Hanging out

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Your conversation with him have very few words

Both of you don't like to talk much

Sometimes you draw together. He likes to draw really abstract and disturbing scenes. You worry about him sometimes

He mentioned other friends once, maybe you should meet them

Dream Aubrey

She loves to drag you through the forest and look at all the bunnies

She introduced you to her friends and they seem chill

She warned you to stay away from Kel because "He is so mean, he keeps trying to hide my plushie from me. He will make fun of you and he is so rude!"

You have to calm her down from her Kel rants

Dream Basil

He can't help himself from divulging all of his plant knowledge onto you

He takes you on tours throughout his garden every time you visit

He showed you his photo album and and asked if you wanted to meet the people in the photos

He won't force you if you don't want to

Dream Kel

He had formed a rivalry with you. You were the only one who could match his crazy energy

You had become a regular at Mari's picnic on his insistence

"Aubrey you should be more like Y/N, they aren't a meanie like you"

You have to break up his fights with Aubrey often

Dream Hero

After you had apologized for the whole kidnapping thing you two became great friends

The both of you bonded over your shared love of cooking

You had a small competition in the castle's kitchen. He won by a landslide

He brings over ingredients a lot. 90% of the food in the castle is tofu. You appreciate it a lot.


You made regular excursions to Mari's picnics to hang out with her

She loves the company when Omori and the rest of her friends are out on adventures

You help set up picnics most of the time

You really want to meet her other friends, especially her younger brother Omori. She seems to really care for him a lot.

Captain Spaceboy

Captain Spaceboy had made you an honorary crew member

You both had bonded over you shared sense of betrayal

You love sharing telling each other of your cosmic exploits

You admire his charisma and caring nature for his crew mates


The conversations you had aren't really conversations. You do most of the talking. But Sunny likes it that way.

Sunny invited you to his house to hear his violin. He sometimes does a duet with his sister. It's some of the best music you ever heard

His family is really nice, but you don't see his father around. You probably shouldn't press him about it.

He also has a small drawing hobby. You love to draw with him. Sunny draws strange dreamlike pictures


You were initially scared of Aubrey and her gang, but after an afternoon of hanging out with them you realize they're mostly friendly

Their devious nature called to you. How could you refuse a good prank?

Aubrey had offered you a spot in the hooligang and you of course accepted. It was better than sitting alone all day.

She will act very cold in public but when it's just you and the hooligans around her personality does a complete 180.


He is a regular at the gardening shop so it's natural you cross paths every so often

He loves to ramble on about plants when you have the free time. He is very self conscious about distracting you from your job.

It's funny how he can go from stuttering on every sentence to dishing out an entire encyclopedias worth of plant knowledge without skipping a beat

He tells you about Aubrey's bullying sometimes and you get angrier each time


You and Kel easily became friends. His extroverted nature rubbed off on you

You watch him practice Basketball in the park and he does a stupid thing on court to impress you

He accidently hit you with a basketball again. He was very apologetic

Kel wakes you up early in the morning to go running very often


You partner up with Hero for assignments most of the time. He trusts you to get your part of the work done

After the work is over you watch T.V together and make bad jokes

He told you the story of how he got his nickname and you couldn't stop laughing for 10 straight minutes

You tried some of his food and it was godly. You immediately asked him for some to take home with you

THE Maverick

He made it his mission to show you the light (a.k.a get you to actually call him THE Maverick)

He showed you some of his 'awesome' martial arts moves. He fell flat on his face multiple times

Angel is hyping him up the entire time

The rest of the hooligans are cringing in the background

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