"I only wanted to make sure it was from those detestable vampires." He spoke calmly, as if his Alpha yelling at him was a normal thing. The Alpha seemed to consider something then he gestured for the man to continue. "I smelled a peculiar scent. One I haven't smelled before." He described the scent of a powerful vampire who could have, but he was not sure, the slightest trace of a lycan.

The Alpha began to laugh. "There is no such thing, Lionel. It's never heard of. I'm sure you just smelled yourself in the mix of blood-suckers." He continued to laugh at his fighter, whose eyes flared emerald.

Then she was back as the very Lionel himself. They walked grudgingly in unison until they reached the outdoors. He thought to himself, 'I'll bring that thing to him and he'll see that I was right.' then leapt into the air, shifted, and ran back into the woods.

*****Angela's P.O.V.*****

I wake with a start. My heart is hammering in my chest and I can still feel the wind flying past my face as the wolf from my dream ran. The decreasing cold of the room only accentuates the eerie feeling. I shiver. I can still feel the burden in my heart and look to see if Sam is in the room. Not here. Reaching to angle my digital clock towards me, I realize that I'm under a blanket. Its plushness promises warmth but I still feel cold. Samantha must have covered me. I flip the blanket off of me and sit up with my feet touching the floor. I rub my eyes and find that my cheeks are still damp from my tears. How long did I cry? Did I cry myself to sleep? I shake my head, that doesn't matter. So far, all that's on my mind is the weird dream I just had and if Jesse's okay. He was hurt pretty badly when Doc looked over him. What had happened when I held his hand? It felt like I took his pain and made it mine. The dream was about... werewolves? What does that have to do with anything? Ugh, I'm too exhausted to look for answers. The first thing I should do is check on Jesse, see if he's made any progress. I'll have to wait until later to tell Sam about my dream.

Now, if only I can see what time it is...Huh? Two thirty-seven, of course I have to wake up at night. I replace my digital clock on the counter-top and wipe my cheeks dry. Then I get up and slowly ascent to the third floor, where Jesse should be. The steps are cold and the only light that shows is coming from Doc's office and a room at the end of the hall.

As I get closer to the room, I can hear the steady beeping of a heart monitor.

Do vampires even need heart monitors? I ask Heara. It's a little weird to imagine a vampire attached to wires that lead to a machine. You'd imagine them being indestructible, right?

No answer.


Still no answer.

I let out a long sigh, hoping that yesterday's events haven't affected her so much as to make her hide in the recesses of my consciousness.

The room looked much how I expected it to look. There is a window on the opposite wall, a thin closet for personal belongings, a couch for visitors, and there is a heart monitor for the patient. This patient, Jesse, is refusing to have anything connected to his body.

"I'm fine, Doc. I feel a lot better, really." Jesse says, trying to get up and off of the bed. His elbow looks perfectly fine, no cast or anything.

Doc firmly pushes Jesse back down and looks him straight in the eyes, "I am sorry, Mr. Romilly, but you haven't fully recovered." Jesse tries to protest one more time but Doctor McCalister interrupts him, "That means that you have to stay put for another day or so, in order to be able to do your job correctly. I'm still going to be monitoring your heart to make sure it stays strong."

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