Too young

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Iris and Henry waited patiently. Granny was at the counter, tapping her fingers. "So, after all of this, are you and Bea going back to Storybrooke with us?" Henry asked. Iris chuckled. "Like we have another choice?" she said. Emma walked in. "Mom," Henry said. "Did you do it? Did you find the spark of-" "Prometheus, yes," Emma said. "Now we can use it to fix Excalibur," "Finally some good news," Granny said. "That's amazing," Iris said. "That's great, mom," Henry said. Henry and her mom shared a smile. "Let's get that darkness out of," "Yes, let's where's the sword?" Emma asked. "We don't know," Iris said. "No one's come back with it," Emma cocked her head. "Really? They should've been back hours ago. Have you seen Merlin?" "I thought he was with you," Henry said. "He was, but then he vanished," Emma said. "Something's wrong," Iris said. "I don't think we're safe here anymore," Emma said. "Granny? Let's close up shop," "Already ahead of you," Granny said, coming in with her crossbow. Iris bit her lip. Bea. Was she alright?  "Henry, lock the front, I got the back,"  Granny said, tossing Henry the keys. Henry, Granny, and the keys suddenly froze. Oh no Iris thought. Iris tried to jump off her chair, then realized she was frozen too. "Henry?" Emma asked, walking over to him. She turned her head to Iris. "Iris?" she asked  "They'll be fine," a voice said. Iris couldn't turn her head, but she recognized it. Merlin. "I'm sorry for all the theatrics," Merlin said. "It's not usually my style but, I have to follow orders," Orders?  Iris thought, worriedly. "Orders, whose orders?" Emma asked. "Arthur's," Merlin said. Of course, it's his orders! Iris wanted to scream. "He's tethered me to Excalibur," Merlin said. "Arthur has ordered me to reforge Excalibur into a whole sword which means I will need your dagger and Prometheus flame," "No," Emma said. "Then he'll order me to kill your family and Emma, as much as I hate it, I will obey," "Arthur, he has my family?" Emma asked. Bea! Iris thought. No, no, no! "Yes," Merlin said. "Because of me. He wants to make a trade at the heart of the forest in one hour. Their lives for the dagger and flame. He is also forcing Beatrice to use up a prophecy tomorrow at the scene. If she doesn't make a prophecy, I'm afraid Henry, and Iris will be harmed," Iris wanted to scream at the top of her lungs. Now Arthur was forcing Bea to do things?  Iris thought she could make a life with Bea in Camelot, she was apparently very, very wrong. "It's not enough time, it's not even a flame yet," Emma said. "I've seen the strength in you Emma," Merlin said. "When you're ready to light the spark it will burn. And Arthur will have what he wants, The sword will be whole once again," "So I'm just supposed to give up without a fight?" Emma asked, in rage. Merlin nodded slightly. "Acceptance is a form of strength," he said. He's not wrong Iris thought. "I know the darkness lives in you, Emma. But I beg you. Please, do not seek vengeance," Merlin vanished. Iris, Henry, and Granny unfroze. "That son of a-" Iris started to say. "Iris, calm down-" "Do NOT tell me to calm down. Henry. Arthur has my girlfriend and is probably torturing her. The best she'll probably be able to do is mini-visions! Emma, I'm coming with you," "No, you're not," Emma said, pulling out the dagger. "You're too young," Iris's jaw dropped. Too young? "Um, excuse me?" "I don't want you getting hurt," Emma said. Henry opened his mouth. "Either of you," And with that, Emma left the store. 

Daughter of Captain Hook Book 3. The Dark Oracle.Where stories live. Discover now