Part of the prophecy comes true

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The next morning, Bea had a headache. "All oracles get it after their first prophecy,"  Merlin reassured. "No one's talking to me,"  Bea said. "Not even Iris. Is it about the prophecy? It's not my fault!" Merlin sighed. "Bea, I understand why you're upset," "Thank you," Bea said, rubbing her temples. "You need something to take your mind off of this," "Like what?" Bea asked. "A quest. Mary Margaret, David, Regina, Robin, and your father are going to steal Excalibur. I think you should go," "Me? Why?" "They need you, Bea. Being an oracle, you also have mini visions. You can quickly see something from the future. They need that to get in," "So the only useful thing I am for is my visions and prophecies? It's not like I was destined to be an oracle," Bea put her head in her hands. "Actually, you are," Bea looked at Merlin. "I was?" Merlin nodded. "You are supposed to be one the greatest oracles of all time. You are supposed to take my place when I pass on," Bea inhaled. "Does my father know this?" "No, but your mother did. I visited her shortly after you were born. I have no idea how you received dark magic though," Bea needed that. "Alright," Bea said. "I'll go," "No you won't," Bea turned to see Hook. "It's too dangerous," he said. "How much of that did you hear?" Bea asked. "Enough," Hook said. "Killian, Bea must join you. It's fate," Merlin said. "I'm her father, and I decide where she goes," Hook said. "Father, I need this, please. I think you need this too. For me to join you guys. Please," Hook sighed. "Alright," he said, grumpily. "But you are bringing your sword," 

Bea loved being on the quest. For some reason, they brought Zelena, which Bea hated. Zelena was one month pregnant and she was grumpy. They went through a secret hole they found, while Snow and Zelena stood guard. Bea doubled over. "Bea?" Hook asked. Bea saw guards coming in her mind. "Guards are coming," Bea said. They quickly hid as guards walked by. After sneaking and overpowering, they finally made it to the throne room, where Arthur was reading a spellbook. Arthur looked at them. "Foul witch, you've overpowered the guards," Arthur said, grabbing a mace. Regina waved her hand and he froze. Arthur locked eyes with Bea and growled. "Murderer!"  he shouted. Bea stepped back. "Um, I'm sorry, it's my fault he tried to kill me and everyone I love?"  she asked. "The sword's on the table," Robin said. Bea, Hook, David, and Robin raised their swords. "Don't touch it. It could have protection charms," Hook said. "Tell your shivers to stop timbering, pirate," Regina said, walking over to the sword. "Nothing could harm us in here. Arthur doesn't know how to do magic," Arthur started to smile. "Hi, guys!"  Zelena walked in, with Snow who was tied and gagged. "Oh, hell no," Regina said. Bea rolled her eyes. This is why they should not have brought Zelena. "Mary Margaret!" David said. Bea kept forgetting Snow and Mary Margaret being the same person. "If you hurt her," David threatened. Zelena tossed Snow on one of the thrones. "Daddy's angry," Zelena said. Zelena looked at frozen Arthur. "Let's undo that," Zelena said, waving her hand. Arthur unfroze. Bea cocked her head. Didn't she have a cuff on? Hook put himself in front of Bea. Arthur glared at Bea. Bea honestly didn't judge him. She killed his son! But it was kind of his fault. "Well, Arthur was kind enough to remove that constricting piece of jewelry," Zelena said, rubbing her wrist.  "Fine," Regina said. "I prefer an even fight," she raised her palm and fire erupted from it. Get her, girl, Bea wanted to say. "No! Don't. The baby," Robin said. Defeated, Regina closed her fist and the fire was extinguished. Bea bit her lip. This wasn't gonna end well. "You know, if you had treated me fairly for once, maybe I wouldn't turn on you," Zelena said. "Yes. You would," Hook said. "But I'd enjoy it less," Zelena said. She looked down at the table and gasped in joy. Bea inhaled. She knew that book. "Here we are. One of Merlin's cookbooks," "Is it the right spell?" Arthur asked. "Yes. It's quite an ingenious recipe for a tethering spell," Bea closed her eyes. "'A second dark one, this starts tomorrow.' I said that yesterday," Bea whispered. Hook apparently heard that and tensed up. "Excellent," Arthur said. Zelena waved her hands around Excalibur. When she finished she giggled. "There, you can take it now," she said. Arthur picked it up. "Cookies are done. And by cookies, I mean that Artie might have a shorter sword than a man would like, but it can control the world's greatest wizard," "Oh, no," Bea said. Arthur unsheathed it. Bea's worries came true. Merlin was written on the sword. "His plan," Zelena said. "But, I like it. Happy to help," "Most obliged," Arthur said, taking a few steps back. "Thank you, lady," "Arthur, please," David said. "You can't see a way out, but there is one. You can start over," Arthur ignored David and shouted, "Merlin!" Bea squeezed her eyes shut. "We've all started over," David tried again. "Merlin!" Arthur shouted again. Bea took her father's hook and squeezed it hard. "Emma is worth more to you as the savior than the dark one," David said. Arthur stopped and looked at David. "Thank you, David," he said. "But...Merlin!" "No!" Bea cried. Merlin appeared in front of them. He looked surprised. Arthur pointed the sword at Merlin. "Ah, Merlin," Arthur said. "How kind of you to come when called," Bea felt tears formed in her eyes. "For your first task, please use your magic to keep these fine people from attacking me in any way," Merlin sighed. He waved his hand. Bea's, Hook's, David's and Robin's swords shot out of their hands. Regina's magic disappeared. Zelena laughed. "Wow," she said. "It is done Arthur," Merlin said. "Merlin," Bea whispered. Arthur smiled and looked at his sword. "You can put that down, we don't need to do this," Merlin said. Hook put an arm around Bea and pulled her close. "Emma has passed a test," "Oh, Emma passed a test," Arthur laughed. "How nice for her," "I have what we need. You and Excalibur can fulfill your legacy. Give me the sword," Merlin said. "You mean, give you the glory? No," Arthur said. Bea tried to lunge, but Hook obviously saw it coming and gripped her shoulder tight. Bea growled quietly. "Glory? You seek glory? Is that really what you've become?" Merlin asked. "I am so sorry I wasn't there to guide you, Arthur. This isn't the man you were supposed to be," I bet he isn't Bea thought.  "Oh, I am exactly what you made me. Look at the half-man with his half-sword solving riddles from a tree. I bet you laughed," "I was trapped. And I put my faith in you. You were meant to be like a son to me," "Shut your mouth," Arthur said, raising the sword. Merlin then had to close his mouth. "I was never a son to you. And it wasn't just me you put your faith in," Arthur pointed his sword at Bea. "You put your faith in a child with dark magic, which is what you stand against. You gave her powers, and here I am powerless. You put more faith in her than me. You lied. You told me people would speak the legend of the great King Arthur using Excalibur to strike darkness from the realm. Tell me how this was not a lie," Anger filled Bea up to the brim. "Bea, don't listen to him," Hook whispered. Merlin answered Arthur's question. "Because you will do that. You're a part of doing it right now," "A part of it?" "We have what we need. The future is in your hands, Arthur. Give me the sword. We can repair everything," Arthur looked like he was thinking. Bea felt her heartbeat. Would he consider his actions? "No," Arthur said. Bea sighed. "Not everything. This is my charge and my right. I will be known for more than defeating a stone," "Arthur, you cannot," "Be quiet!" Arthur yelled. Merlin stopped talking.  "We have intruders," Arthur said, turning to them. "Make them leave," Arthur and Bea's eyes locked. "The oracle stays," Hook's grip on Bea's shoulder tightened. Merlin sighed and waved his hand. "Merli-" Bea started to say, but she felt the grip on her shoulder gone. Bea turned around. Everyone had disappeared. "Now, darklet," Arthur said. "Now that I have your family. You are going to make me a prophecy, understood? Or they die," Bea inhaled. Yeah, Merlin. She thought. This is what I needed. 

Daughter of Captain Hook Book 3. The Dark Oracle.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat