Chapter 1

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My Mother always wanted the best for me. When i was little she bought me dolls and took me to

play grounds when ever I wanted to. I was so happy when I was little. But as I got older and I got into

Middle school things became, well Complicated. The guys were jerks and some of the girls made it

race to grow there breasts the fastest. Like you ever do that!  It was freaking ridiculous!  I was an

outsider. No one came to sit with me at the lunch table. I was alone on the swing sets and I was

sitting alone on the school bus alone on the way home from school. I remember the first day of 6th

grade. I walked into a new school with cliche braided pig tails and a floral skirt. Something my

mother had picked out for me, Not my personal favorite but I just humored her I would have rather

worn jeans and a tank top but no. I  was wearing something that "showed off my girly side". And the

one reason I have one is because my mother shoves it onto my body with her credit card. As I

walked down the hall I flashed a few smiles to people walking by hoping they were seeing a friendly

face. But no one noticed me. At lunch I sat with a group of girls my age. They said hi and then

completely blocked me out. Things didn't get easier after that, A week later I was walking home from

school when three boys ganged up on me. They backed me into a corner, screaming horrible things 

into my face. They pushed and shoved me until I collapsed onto the the hard concrete. Not giving up,

they kicked me in the stomach repeatedly until i was coughing up blood. When my mother saw me 

that night she drove me to the hospital dropped me off on the side of the curb and drove away. 

Something I had never seen her do before, abandon me. A nurse from the lobby so my bloody face 

and legs and hurried out to me. About and hour later I was cleaned up and my mother was waiting 

outside for me.

"Why did you drive away?" I said hurt.

"I don't like hospitals. I won't go in one for you or any one else!" She snapped

I was horrified. Who was this woman and what had she done with my mother?

"Oh darling! I'm so sorry I don't know why I said that! Oh dear! Lets go home and make cookies ok?"

I nodded. What the hell mom! I'm in sixth grade I don't wanna make damn cookies! 

But I humored her and went along with it.

So now I'm 17, alone and well... bored.  I stared out the window of my mother's old car wondering 

what my next move would be. Don't get me wrong, I'm not some girl that is morbidly depressed from 

losing her boyfriend. But I am alone. He was my only friend.... I remember the night we met.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>flash back FYI>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

I was fifteen, and he was sixteen. The sophomores and juniors were invited to a party at Blake's house.

Blake, a tool. He got all the girls and slept with them too. Even tried to sleep with me. I was drunk,

vulnerable and desperate. He pulled me into the a room, whispering sweet lies into my ear. Kissing 

my neck he slid me down onto his bed. I laughed, sitting up I ripped off my shirt eager for him to see 

what was under it. He pulled away and turned me around. He began kissing my back until he was at

my bra. He undid the clasp with his teeth when Damien walked in.

"What the hell bro! Get the fuck off of her!" He yelled

Who was this ass? I didn't even know Damien at the time. Damien pulled me away from Blake and 

pushed me into a corner. We made eye contact for a few moments while Blake recovered. His eyes

were a soft, sensitive green. He flashed a crooked smile as Blake began to walk towards him from 

behind. Damien quickly turned around and punched Blake in the gut. He grabbed my wrist and

pulled me into the hallway. 

Hope you guys liked it!

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