Ch-37 {She is leaving}

Start from the beginning

"What are you thinking?" He asked as he entered in the lift..

"Nothing..Just how the time passes so quickly..You aren't the same Siddharth I encountered at the time of our marriage" I said receiving a smile from him..

"That's true..I changed a lot for the good after you came in my life..You changed me..Whatever I am today is because of you..So Thanks to you for making me realize that even I have something good in me" He said and looked at me but diverted his attention towards the lift door as it dinged and then walked out towards the only room that was on this floor..

As his hands were occupied with me so I helped us by opening the door with a key..I have to say the room is beautiful..

He dropped me just infront of the washroom door..

"Till the time you will bath..I will order some food and keep your clothes here on the bed" He spoke and I nodded my head in yes..

Walking inside slowly I firstly turned on the warm water tap in the bathtub and discarded my clothes actually sid's clothes which were on me..

I sat in the bathtub and my body relaxed itself..God its such a pleasure..I don't want to go out of it now..Scrubbing my body with the scrubber I heard sid saying something from the other side of the door..

"I am going to take bath in other washroom and your clothes are on bed" He said..

"Okay" I said in a loud voice so he could hear it..

After what seemed like hours which I know was only 20-30 minutes..I came out of the bathtub and dried myself with a towel, Wrapping it around my body I walked in the room not before peeking out of the bathroom door to know if someone was there or not..

I picked up the clothes from the bed which was a loose-warm hoodie and a lower..As I took a step towards the washroom to wear the clothes the door of the room opened revealing sid looking all fresh and handsome in that white t shirt hugging his body and denim jeans..

For a moment I forgot that I was still in a towel that could fall anytime!

He looked at me with an open mouth but then his expressions changed to his famous smirk that could make anyone fall for him..

His smirk was the one that made realize that I am not wearing clothes but just a towel..

He walked a step towards me and I knew what was coming and I tried to run in the washroom..Keyword-tried..But he was fast enough to block my way..

"Someone's in a hurry" He said as his hand traveled to my waist..

"Sid let me atleast change" I spoke but it didn't seem to fade his gaze..

"I am not stopping you to change..Go on and change" He said still smirking and a glint of mischievousness in his eyes..

I knew what he was trying to say..No way I am going to change infront of him!

"Sid please let me go and change..I am already feeling low" I spoke with a pout..

"Ohh is it?..then let me help you change" He spoke with his never ending smirk..

"Oh God...Go to hell" I mumbled under my breathe..

"Ok okay..Don't stress yourself I am going..Just came to tell you breakfast is ready" He said and moved out of the room..

Quivkly changing into the clothes I was going to move to the living room where sid was waiting but initially stopped when I heard my phone ringing..It was an unknown number..I picked it up only to get happy yet sad..

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