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we had finished eating, and we were ready to go to the beach.

i grabbed camis diaper bag with everything she needed. her cute little pink flamingo swimsuit, pajamas, change of clothes, formula, bottle, diapers, toys, and her blanket.

i then grabbed my small tote bag with my bikini, my pajamas, makeup, hygiene, and a change of clothes.

i filled up my hydro flask and watched as neymar read cami a book patiently waiting for me.

"alright, are you guys ready?"

neymar smiles and puts cami on his shoulders, "let's go princess!"

she giggles hysterically and i smile.

i love them both.

neymar is driving his range rover, as we cruise down the small streets listening to whatever was on the radio.

we finally arrive to the beach after about 30 minutes of driving, which was what seemed like forever.

i changed cami into her little pink flamingo swimsuit my mom had bought her. she looked so adorable.

i handed her to neymar, then i went into the restrooms nearby to change.

i came out with my high waisted jean shorts on over a blue bikini.

neymar looked at me with passion and said, "wow, you look amazing."

i smile, "thank you, i just bought these jeans."

he smiles, and hands cami to me.

i lift her up into the air and give her a kiss.

neymar and i decided to walk along the beach.

he held cami as we strolled along. she had a little sand barrel and shovel in her hand that she couldn't figure out how to use.

i laughed at the sight. she was so adorable.

now looking at her in the light, she looks so much like neymar. it was so crazy how much they looked alike.

"so, how did you manage being alone all this time? i mean you're such a good mother, how did you do it?" he asks.

"well, i had my sister a lot of the time. but when i didn't, i would be by myself. every time she was on a work trip, or decided to go out with her friends, i kind of just took on the responsibility of being a mom alone. i knew i was going to have to raise her on my own for a while. most of the time i felt like it was going to be forever. luckily, it wasn't."

"shark." cami said as she pointed towards me.

"no sharks here princess, just mommy."

i laugh, "well that's a good word you learned. you just don't know what it means."

i grab cami from neymar's arms and i show her where the sharks are.

i point to the ocean, "look that's where the sharks are!"



i turn around, "who's that?"

"da da."

"who am i?"

"ma ma."

"good job!"

i give her a big kiss, and she giggles.

neymar smiles, "luciana, you're so perfect. i don't know how it's possible."

i laugh, "i'm far from perfect, but i try."

"i mean genuinely. all around you are just perfect. you're beautiful inside and out. you're glowing."

i feel butterflies erupt in my stomach. my knees felt weak.

i smile, "that's the sweetest thing anyone has ever said to me. you have a way with words."

neymar smiles, "you deserve to hear that more often."

8:45 pm

"alright, the sun is starting to set. we should head back now." neymar says.

"that sounds like a great idea. cami is getting tired." i reply.

he carries camila, while he holds my hand.

"i'm glad we got to do this." neymar says.

"me too. it was so much fun. besides when cami threw sand at me and then tried to eat seaweed."

neymar laughs, "and when she pooped herself. that was the worst."

"first diaper change in a while wasn't it?"

neymar nods, "something i didn't want to remember."

i laugh.

authors note: hi! i'm going to move neymar's house and camis surprise to next chapter due to writers block lolll. sorry this chapter is kinda meh and it's short but hope you enjoyed it :)

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