Aaliyah shrugged her shoulders, "It's merely a coincidence. Especially when Chief already said that Rales' sons didn't have a criminal record," She sucked her teeth, "let alone a traffic ticket."

"Chief also said they couldn't be eliminated as suspects either." Hicks retorted. He folded his arms firmly against his chest before walking over to sit down on the wooden desk in front of them. Aaliyah watched Hicks glance over at Blake, who in returned let out an exasperated sigh.

Typical Blake move.

Though they were partners on the job, Blake had always been more reserved out of the two. He was far from a push over, but if Blake felt that the battle wasn't worth fighting, he did not waste his time

Hicks cleared his throat, "Damien Jackson owns the Natura Coffee Shop on the west side of Rose District, a few miles from the perimeter. Since the grand opening, they have had a constant flow of income." Hicks reached over and placed a manila folder on the table in front of them.

"After speaking with the Chief, we decided that Smith, we want you to go undercover, and befriend Jackson. Gain his trust and simply monitor his movements as he lives in Rose District, and even outside of the wall. If any illicit activity is going on, immediately report your findings to Dugone, who will then report back to us. But try to keep your interactions to a minimum because this mission is treading on a very thin line of ethical misconduct." Hicks added.

He looked to Blake as he finished his sentence. "Dugone, as her handler, it is your job to ensure her safety while she goes off grid. Do whatever you need to do, tail her around the city the best you can discreetly. You are the only source of contact with Smith, and you must have her back."

Aaliyah and Blake both nodded in agreement before Hicks gathered his things and exited the room. The two of them sat in silence for some time; with Aaliyah breaking the quiet atmosphere with a sigh. She watched Blake toy with his bottom lip, biting and pulling away bits of skin.

He turned to Aaliyah and gave her a smile when he noticed her stare. Although, she could tell he wasn't 100% confident. His olive face and rosy cheeks told her that he was excited for the road ahead. But his azure eyes did not give off that twinkle of reassurance that they normally did. Instead, they were dull and cold, despite how the corners of his eyes perked up from his forced smile.

He must be nervous just as much as I am.

"Wanna do lunch?" Blake asked abruptly.

"I wish I could today, but I made plans with my parents. And now have to break this news to them." Aaliyah rose from her seat, gathering up her satchel to go home. "They won't be happy I have to leave again."

"Trust me, I understand," Blake retorted.

Aaliyah excused herself from the room and entered the main corridor of the police station. She waved at a few friendly faces before she exited the building to her Prius.

Aaliyah drove to her parents' home in complete silence, which gave her an ample amount of time to get her thoughts together. Aaliyah knew her parents disapproved of her occupation for safety reasons. Though her father was a bit more understanding of what she did for a living. She pulled into their driveway approximately 10 minutes later.

"Let's get this over with," Aaliyah grumbled, then exited her car.

The smell of warm biscuits greeted Aaliyah as she entered her parent's one-story home in the heart of Rose District. Her father, Andre, was a retired police chief for the Atlanta police department. Growing up Aaliyah aspired to follow in his footsteps and become an officer as well. Through the years, he grew to accept all Aaliyah's decisions for her life.

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