Chapter Two

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Aaliyah glided down the busy corridor, avoiding other officers and detectives who held private conversations. Her badge hung from her waistband and bounced against her thigh with each step. The distinct odor of freshly brewed coffee slammed against Aaliyah's nostrils, forcing her to scowl in distaste.

A rhythmic flow of bodies entered and exited the building at the sound of the clicks from various keyboards. Aaliyah stepped over the threshold to the conference and found herself sitting in the back. The room filled over the course of the next 30 minutes, with Aaliyah's partner, Blake Dugone stumbling in right before Captain Hicks entered.

"Good morning, ladies and gentlemen," Hicks stated as he strolled towards the front of the room. "I'm sure everyone received the email from the Chief, so I won't waste my time going over that."

The crowd settled at the sound of his voice. Hicks took a sip of coffee, "It was determined that we will put our best field agents out in the streets to find out where the breech is occurring. We have a presumption that this is the doing of the Disciples. Although we lack concrete evidence."

Aaliyah calculated the way Hicks skated across the room. A typical meeting felt more relaxed due to the usual mundane routine. However, this breech in Rose District's perimeter brought on a different atmosphere. Everyone on the force heard stories of a life before the treaty, and that alone was enough to encourage everyone to stay on the straight and narrow.

Captain Hicks froze in place once he reached the right side of the room. "Homeland Security has been recruited to help our local police monitor the perimeter. The Chief has released the evidence collected, but it's hard to pinpoint a guy that has never been seen." Hicks added. An abrupt rumble of whispers erupted in the once silent room.

"So, for this mission, we will proceed as follows," Hicks paused as the crowd died down. "Blue Team will consist of Myers, Reagan, and Johnson, y'all will work Narcotics. You three will go undercover and catch anyone manufacturing and/or distributing narcotics within Rose District."

Hicks began to go down the line assigning various missions for those in the room. Aaliyah slouched in the chair, watching everyone else get called and assigned their roles. Those individuals grouped and arranged themselves accordingly. Blake nudged Aaliyah, and she forced a reassuring smile when she met his concerned gaze. Being that the two of them had been partners for five years now, Aaliyah knew that Blake learned her habits and mannerisms.

"Dugone, Smith, a word with you two." Captain Hicks called out abruptly. Aaliyah met his gaze and did not stir in her seat as his stare hardened. The loud roar of several conversations died down as the once crowded room became desolate.

The warm and familiar sense of camaraderie morphed into harsh isolation. Aaliyah took note of Hicks fumbling with imaginary objects on the table at the center of the room. His eyebrows furrowed then relaxed repeatedly, juxtaposed to his once calm presence.

"I was informed by Chief that he wanted someone to specifically monitor a particular coffee shop on the west side of Rose District."

"For what?" Blake asked, "Is it somehow related to the Disciples?"

"Possibly," Hicks retorted. "To my knowledge, Rales' oldest son recently moved to Rose District, which is quite a coincidence."

"How so?" Aaliyah interjected. She met Hicks' gaze once again, searching for the obvious answer she knew he would give.

He's Rales' son, so they want him watched for his father's sins.

"Is it a coincidence that once he moved to Rose District, the breech in the perimeter occurred?" Hicks asked, making Aaliyah roll her eyes in response. Quite typical for Hicks to make assumptions about those who grew up outside the wall.

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