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I woke up in my bedroom in Cair Paravell to Susan and Lucy coming tango my room.

"Y/n wake up it's the day of our coronation!" Lucy yelled joyfully, jumping onto my bed.

"Lucy, give me five more minutes." I said pulling the blanket over my head.

"Y/n come on we need to get ready. The coronation is in 2 hours." Susan said pulling the blanket off me.

"Okay. Fine, fine I'm up. But at least let me get some breakfast first." I said getting out of bed.

"Already ahead of you."Susan said holding a tray with breakfast food on it.

"Okay." I said smiling. "Have you got your dresses?" I asked them.

"They're right here." They said showing their dresses.

"Can I do you hair and makeup?" Susan asked me.

"Of course." I said to her smiling.

"Can you do mine too?" Lucy asked Susan.

"Of course I can Lu." Susan said looking down at the young girl.

"Okay lets all go and get dressed and we will meet back in here." I suggested.

"Alright." They responded.

I walked into my closet and saw my coronation dress.

It was y/f/c, with a y/s/f/c cape.

It was gorgeous.

I got dressed and walked out to see Susan in their dresses.

Susan was wearing a dress like mine except it was grey and had a navy cape.

Lucy's dress was silver and has a red cape.

"You guys look amazing." I said to them in awe of how beautiful they looked.

"So do you." Susan said.

Susan did Lucy and I's hair.

Lucy's hair was down and curly.

Mine was in a half up half down and wavy.

Susan's was in a plait.

Susan then did my make up and then her own.

"Thank you so much Susan." I said gratefully with a smile on my face.

"Yeah thank you so much Susan." Lucy said beaming up at Susan.

"You're welcome ." Susan said smiling at us. "Now let's go the boys will be waiting for us."

We walked down to the throne room doors where the boys were.

"Took you girls long enough." Peter joked.

His outfit was dark blue and he had a golden cape.

Edmund wore the same except instead his were grey and silver.

My dad came over and had me, Edmund and Peter stand on his left, and Susan and Lucy in his right.

The door opened and we walked in.

We saw the thrones and each had something engraved on it.

Mine had my necklace, Edmund's had his sword breaking the Witch's sceptre, Peter's had his sword, Susan's had her horn and Lucy's had her cordial.

We walked to our thrones and stood in front of them turning around to face the Narnians.

"To the glistening Eastern Sea, I give you Queen Lucy, the Valiant." Dad declared.

Mr. Tumnus took a silver crown with leaves on it on her head.

"To the great Western Wood, King Edmund, the Just." Dad declared as a silver crown was placed on Edmund's head.

"To radiant Southern Sun, Queen Susan, the Gentle." Dad declared as a crown of golden flowers was placed on Susan's head.

"To the clear Northern Sky, I give you King Peter, the Magnificent." Dad declared as a golden crown was placed on Peter's head.

"And to the Magical Night, I give you Queen Y/n, the Powerful." Dad declared as a crown that looked like Susan and Lucy's weaved together was placed on my head.

We all sat on our thrones and Dad turned to face us.

"Once a King or Queen of Narnia, always a King or Queen. May your wisdom grace us until the stars rain down from the heavens."

He turned around and everyone chanted, "Long live Queen Y/n! Long live King Peter! Long live King Edmund! Long live Queen Susan! Long live Queen Lucy!"

*651 words*

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