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"Told you he was real." Lucy said smugly turning to look at Susan.

Wow, Lucy is really savage.

"He said winter is almost over." Peter said looking out to where Father Christmas just rode off to.

"You know what that means?" He said looking at us with a scared look on his face. "No more ice."

Oh no. No more ice means that the frozen river will no longer be frozen and we won't be able to get across.

We got to the river and most of it was almost thawed. We looked down at the river and realised we didn't have much time.

"We need to cross, now." Peter said taking Lucy's hand.

"Don't beavers make dams?" Lucy asked looking at Mr and Mrs Beaver hopefully.

"I'm not that fast dear." Mr Beaver replied.

"Come on!" Peter said stressed as he pulled Lucy, dragging her with him.

"Wait will you just think about this for a minute!" Susan shouted at Peter.

"We don't have a minute!" Peter replied, which is true, time is ticking.

"I'm just trying to be realistic." Susan responded, defeated.

"No, your trying to be smart. As usual." Peter replied back.

Suddenly, I could hear the sound of wolves heading towards our direction. I looked back to see Susan looking towards where the noise came from then following us.

We all went down the hill towards the river by the time we got down there was only a little bit of ice left.

Peter tried to stand on the ice but it couldn't support his weight so he quickly took his foot of of it.

"Wait. Maybe I should go first." Mr Beaver said to Peter, which honestly wasn't a bad idea. After all, Mr Beaver did weigh much less than Peter.

"Maybe you should." Peter said, a seemingly scared look draped across his face.

Mr Beaver stood on the ice, testing which parts were safe with his tail. The ice started cricking a bit underneath him as he walked.

"You've been sneaking second helpings, haven't you?" Mrs. Beaver asked her husband with a chuckle.

"Well, you never know which meal's gonna be your last. Especially when your cooking." Mr. Beaver joked.

We all walked forward onto the river slowly, following Mr. Beaver, trying not to crack the ice underneath us.

Lucy screamed as she clung onto Peter's arm because the ice underneath he foot had broke.

"If mum knew what we were doing..." Susan said as she walked beside me, clearly scared.

"Mum's not here." Peter said turning back to look at her.

"Oh no!" Lucy said looking up at the top of the waterfall. Oh no was right, the witch's wolves were running along the the top of the waterfall.

"Run!" Peter yelled as he started to run holding Lucy's hand, me, Susan and Mrs. Beaver following behind them.

"Hurry!" Mrs. Beaver yelled as we ran, but our path was quickly blocked by the wolves. They landed in front of Mr. Beaver snarling at us.

We all looked back in hopes that we could run back, but see that there were more wolves behind us, meaning we were cornered.

Mr. Beaver threatened the wolves but was quickly pinned down by one of them.

"No!" Mrs. Beaver yelled, scared for her husband.

"Peter!" Lucy screamed to her older brother frightened. Peter unsheathed his sword, pointing it at the wolves.

"Put that down, boy." One of the wolves, who I guessed was captain, Maugrim, threatened. "Someone could get hurt."

"Don't worry about me! Run him though!" Mr. Beaver yelled as the other wolf held him down.

"Leave while you can, and your brother leaves with you." The wolf said to us.

"Stop Peter! Maybe we should listen to him!" Susan screamed at her brother.

The wolf chuckled, "Smart girl."

"Don't listen to him! Kill him! Kill him now!" Mr. Beaver yelled as the other wolf held him down.

"Oh come on. This isn't your war. All my Queen wants is for you to take your family and go." The wolf said to us, trying to convince Peter to put his sword down.

"Look, just because some man in a red coat hands you a sword, doesn't make you a hero." Susan tried to reason with her brother, "Just drop it!"

"No, Peter! Narnia needs you! Gut him while you still have the chance." Mr. Beaver yelled to Peter still being held down.

"What's it gonna be Son of Adam? I won't wait forever. And neither will the river." Said the wolf.

That's when me and Lucy looked up and saw that the waterfall was about to crash down on top of us.

"Peter!" We screamed at the same time looking at Peter.

That's when Peter and Susan looked up and saw that water was starting to break through the ice, and that the waterfall would come down any second.

"Hold onto me!" Peter yelled at us before he struck his sword into the ice. We all held onto him tightly, and looked up to see the waterfall about cracking.

A big block of ice came off the water fall and landed, breaking the ice, and making a small slab of ice which we were on, and creating a massive wave, which crashed over us.

We came out of the water thankfully all still in the slab of ice holding onto Peter. Suddenly I heard a muffled scream and looked to my left to see that Lucy had fallen into the water.

I let go of Peter and went after Lucy.

Susan's POV:

We got off the ice slab and onto land when I looked back to see Peter holding Lucy's coat, and no sign of Lucy or Y/n.

"What have you done?" I yelled at Peter. I can't believe this, he let Lucy and Y/n fall. This is all his fault.

What are we supposed to tell mum? What are we gunna tell Edmund? In reality he loves Lucy, and I know he likes Y/n, more than a friend, but he would never admit it.

"Lucy! Y/n!" I screamed looking towards the river hoping to get a response.

"Lucy! Y/n!" I screamed again.

Suddenly we heard a voice come from behind us.

"Has anyone seen my coat?" It was Lucy's voice. We turned around and saw Lucy and Y/n soaking wet walking towards us.

Y/n's POV:

I managed to get Lucy out of the river, but we realised that Lucy's coat slipped off when she fell off the ice.

Suddenly we heard what sounded like Susan yelling our names. We walked to towards where we saw them.

"Has anyone seen my coat?" Lucy asked, making them turn around and notice we were there. When they turned around their faces had looks of relief.

"Don't you worry, dear. Your brother's got you well looked after." Mr. Beaver said as Peter handed Lucy her coat.

"And I don't think you'll be needing those coats any more." Mrs. Beaver said looking behind her.

We looked in the direction she was looking and saw that flowers were starting to blossom on the trees.

We all walked forward following Mr and Mrs Beaver. The flowers on the trees were a beautiful shade of pink.

We left our coats on a log and continued walking, but it was getting warm so me, Susan and Lucy took off our cardigans.

We were now close to Aslan's camp. And the the sooner we get there, the that sooner we can save Edmund.

*1255 words*

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