Chapter 20

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I watch her in the crowd as my friends talk around me, unable to look away. It's like she hypnotized me, that silhouette dressed in green silk. It should have been impossible for me to find her once I lost her out of sight on her way to the middle of the dancefloor. Yet, there she is, just another dancing body. Just one that's so much more interesting to watch.

This isn't the first time I've seen her dance but even after months of doing it, I don't think I'll ever tire of it. The way her eyes stay closed and she moves with the music as if it possesses her, surrounds her, and uses her as a marionette to express the meaning of its beat.

The downside of that is, that I'm not the only one that sees. The people around her are just as drawn to the dancer amidst them, and I have a perfect view of all the guys that look at her longingly. And the ones that try to dance with her.

She entertains a few of them by innocently grinding against them for a few minutes before leaving them and moving a few feet away. You can imagine how much I enjoy seeing those slugs' greedy hands on her.

I roll my eyes at the next dude that clumsily dances up to her and take a sip of my drink. And then another when I see him standing right behind her, whispering something in her ear. When his hands find her waist and they start dancing, his eyes closing in pleasure, I down the rest of my drink.

Then, I get to my feet and excuse myself from my friends with a quick, "I'm getting another drink." I walk into the crowd, heading toward the bar rather than straight for Aliena in case my friends are watching. Of course, they're too invested in whatever they're talking about to care but I like to take precautions.

I finally make a turn in the middle of the way and find the girl in her green dress in a matter of minutes. The closer I get to her, the more urgent my steps turn.

"Really, I should get back to my friends," I can faintly make out her words as she tries to extract herself from the guy behind her. He just shakes his head and tightens his hold of her. I see her wince and grab the guy's hand the next moment, twisting one of his sweaty fingers. He cries out and takes a step back from me and thereby also from Aliena. That's good enough for me.

I let go of his hand and level him with my most withering glare. "She told you to piss off. Take the hint the next time. When you have to beg someone to keep dancing, you're out," I yell over the music.

He just averts his eyes and flees into the crowd. I turn to Aliena. "You okay?" I ask.

She smiles and nods. "Thanks. Oh, that reminds me, I have more to thank you for. I'm very grateful you came so quickly that night, first and foremost, and I can never repay you for the invitation to the gallery. So thanks, for all of that."

Her words combined with that sincere look on her face have something warm taking over my chest. I take close care not to let my face give away too much of what I'm feeling.

"It was no big deal, really. I'm glad you liked it," I tell her. It's not entirely true since I had to ask my father for the invitation and everything including him is no easy feat- most of all asking for his help- but I survived. Besides, mom was happy to see me swing by no matter how short the visit was. That made it a little more worth it.

"I loved it. It was unbelievable. Just the building was in is art in itself. I'm pretty sure I walked in with my jaw on the floor. And then there were all the paintings inside! I've never seen anything like it. I felt like I was a royal back in the day or something. I don't think I've ever been to a place that hurt so much to leave," she tells me, her eyes lighting up.

The unbidden thought that she's absolutely enthralling takes firm hold in my mind again.

"I can take you there sometime. You don't need an invitation when you're with me." At that, she perks up further.

"Really? You'd go with me?" She breaks out in the biggest grin. "I mean, yeah, sure. I'd definitely be down for that. I'd let an ogre take me if that was what it took." For the first time today, I laugh.

"You just compared me to an ogre?" I ask, a little flabbergasted. This woman.

"Well, occasionally you do share some similarities. When you dance, for example, you certainly look like some creature of the mountains. Just one undercover in a very beautiful shell," she says. Immediately, her face turns darker under the blue lights and I know she's blushing.

"Careful, that almost sounded like a compliment," I warn her teasingly. She shoves me.

"Was it enough to charm you into dancing with me? I mean, that way we can minimize the chances of you having to come to my rescue when someone gets too handy again. Besides, Mattheo is not an option tonight so you're the next best thing." She's teasing. I can tell by the look on her face.

And yet, the happy little balloon in my chest deflates a little. Cool, my best friend is a no-show and I'm the next best thing. That feels good to hear. I'm ready to say as much or turn her down but her hopeful, expectant expression stops me.

Fine, this time, I cave. "Hardly, but I'm feeling generous," I tell her and let her take my hand.

There u go with the source of the sentence on the cover👀

Hold on for the tension in the next chapter...

Have a lovely day and don't forget to leave me a vote or comment if you like my story so far<3

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