Chapter 18

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"Don't say a word. I can tell you want to ask again but the answer stays the same, I won't tell you where we're going," Lily cuts me off before I can even formulate the question for the fifth time. We've been in the car for forty minutes and I don't recognize our surroundings anymore.

God, I hate surprises. I trust my friend though, so I guess I'll do as I'm told.

"Now, tell me about your day. All we've talked about so far is what will happen later," she adds. I just shrug.

"Didn't really do anything so far," I lie before my brain even registers the deception. I'm not even sure why I'm keeping my visit to the gallery a secret from her. It was fantastic and I should be bursting at the seams with the need to talk all about it.

But she'd ask me how I managed to go and I'd have to tell her that Sebastian got me an invitation. Then I'd have to tell her why he'd do such a thing and I have absolutely no idea what to say to that since it's a widely-known fact that he and I cannot stand each other. Not really.

"You're a bore. What would you only do without me?" She sighs dramatically I shove her shoulder. "Careful, I'm driving!" she exclaims. I ignore her.

"Without you, I'd still go to parties with cheap beer and crackling stereos. So thanks for getting a very awesome, very preppy boyfriend with very useful ties," I tell her.

"You forgot to mention that you'd be absolutely devastated. Don't forget about that part," she adds. I roll my eyes.

"Yes, yes, I would be in pieces."

"I know. Now, we're here, look!" she says, motioning to the spa right in front of our parking space. I look over at her, feeling a little guilty.

"Lily," I start but she cuts me off.

"Don't even, Aliena. I know what you're going to say. That I didn't have to do this and that you'd be more than happy to just drink cheap wine with me on my couch and blah, blah. Just accept that I'm conveniently using your birthday as an excuse to go to the spa, okay?"

"I can never pay you back," I tell her, hating how self-pitying I sound. My friend places a gentle hand over mine.

"I don't care about that, A. You know that. Now, can we please go inside? I booked us a couples massage. I hope it's okay that I asked for a male masseur for you." With a wink, she leaves the car while I scramble after her, laughing to myself.

This woman.

And so we get a couples massage. And no, I don't mind having a male masseur but not for some questionable reasons. I just like the feeling of big hands on me, and I prefer a lot of pressure. It gets awkward asking a tiny woman to knead me more thoroughly again and again until I eventually have to accept that she simply doesn't have the right leverage and strength for that. The guy working on my muscles today does wonders to relax me.

"All right, what's next on your plan?" I ask, my words almost slurred. My friend smiles at me and pulls me deeper into the building.

"We get our nails done. I don't remember the last time you painted yours. Meanwhile, you have such fantastic, natural long nails. They're wasted on you," she complains.

"I just have other priorities. And yes, please take them. They grow too fast, it's always such a waste of time to shorten them." If I got a dollar for every time someone commented on how jealous they were of how I could grow out my nails, I'd live in a much better apartment.

"I don't know how I put up with you," she says, even as she throws an arm over my shoulder.

"You love me. Now, be nice. It's my birthday."


Three hours later, we're at Lily's with painted nails- hands and feet- and a clean face from the treatment she decided to spontaneously book when she saw the flyer. I don't think anyone has ever wasted so much money on me in the span of a few hours, and while I appreciate every part of her surprise, it's also making me feel like shit.

The gallery plus this plus wherever we're going tonight is just too damn much. I didn't do anything to deserve all this.

On Lilianne's birthdays, the best I can manage is a nice picnic with some of the wine she prefers or a trip somewhere all right for dinner. And I save up for months to manage that no matter what a downgrade it turns out to be from Lily's day-to-day life. It makes it even harder for me to accept her presents.

"Okay, you shower first, I'm setting out a bunch of clothes you have to choose from for tonight. Then we do our makeup. The guys are picking us up in two hours," she tells me.

I nod without further protest, keeping my inner war to myself. Now's not the time to voice them. Today's not the day.


The first thing I notice when we go outside to meet the guys is that it's not Sebastian's McLaren waiting for us, so I already know he won't be in the car. When he's with us, he drives. I don't think I've ever seen him in the passenger seat.

As I get in the backseat, I realize that Mattheo isn't here either. It's just Andrew behind the wheel, turning around to beam at me. "Hello, birthday girl. Sorry for the piss-poor greeting. I'll make up for it once we reach our destination," he tells me. Then he leans over to give his girlfriend a kiss. "Hello, gorgeous."

She pulls away first. "Shut up and drive," she tells him but softens the blow with a kiss on the cheek.

"Bossy," the man mutters even as he starts driving. "So, did you two have a good day?"

"Definitely. Your girlfriend spoiled the shit out of me. I'm already scheming for her birthday in three months," I respond, acting like I'm under a lot less pressure than I actually am. Internally, I'm freaking out.

"Oh, we'll have to put our minds together for that. I have an idea or two as well," Andrew interjects. My first instinct is to turn him down since it's Lily's and my tradition to organize something for the other's birthday but I keep my quiet. Andrew's her boyfriend so it only makes sense that he wants to plan something for her.

It's nice, I guess, and it would certainly allow us to go a little more overboard since he has access to much better resources than me. If only I were a little better at handling change.

Extra info; she's a December Saggitarius💁🏼‍♀️

Fun fact; It's actually my bday today:) so leave a girl a vote, yeah?👀

Have a lavish day <3

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