Page 37 | End of Internships

Start from the beginning

Steve: "Close it." Steve ordered on the comms.

Y/N: "But--!"

Steve: "No buts, Y/N... Nat, close it."

The power that is opening the portal diminished as I saw Tony falling down from the sky, with exactly the portal closes before the nuclear blast could reach the other side of the portal.

Y/N: "It's Tony!" I shouted as I pointed the falling Iron Man from the sky.

I can hear Natasha chuckles over the comms.

Steve: "Son of a gun."

But I saw Tony's unconscious body is not slowing down nor stopping.

Y/N: "H-He's not slowing down!" I shouted for them to know.

Before anything worse could happen, Hulk leaped and grabbed Tony, as he used the wall to slow their descent. I took a deep sigh as I rendezvous back with Thor, using the Hiraishin with my small chakra to teleport myself back to them.

We all ran as we approached the unconscious Tony while Thor threw Tony's front iron mask away.

Steve: "Is he breathing?" Steve wondered.

Y/N: "Look at his arc reactor." I pointed out.

Steve: "It's not glowing." 

Y/N: "No..."

We looked at each other and then back to Tony. And in the midst of the silence, Hulk roared. Surprising me, Steve, and waking up Tony from his unconsciousness. Hulk roared again in pride as we let out a sigh of relief,  chuckling and smiling that we did it.

Tony: "What the hell." Tony said in his erratic breathing. "What just happened? Please tell me nobody kissed me."

Y/N: "Hell, no. I got a girl back home, y'know." I said with disgust as the three men snickered.

Steve: "We won."

Tony: "All right, yay! Hurray. Good job, guys. Uh-Let's just not come in tomorrow. Let's just take a day." He said as he groans in pain. Then Tony stares at Thor. "Have you ever tried shawarma?"

Y/N: "Man... now I'm hungry."

Tony: "There's a shawarma joint about two blocks from here. I don't know what it is, but I want to try it."

Thor: "We're not finished yet." Then we looked at him with confusion.

Y/N: "Oh, right... Him."

Tony: "And then shawarma after?"


3rd Person PoV

Loki is seen groaning in pain as he crawls on the floor, he reaches a small set of steps as he sensed that something or someone was behind him. Slowly, he turns around, lifting his head as he saw the Avengers menacingly looking over him.

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