Chapter 17 (Making Things Worse)

Start from the beginning

Renata turned to see the disgruntled expression of Keone. "What the fuck," she muttered, stumbling back.

Tahoma was a flurry of rage. "If any of mine are dead—"

"I tried to be polite," Keone gritted between teeth, "but like their fearless leader Nirvi, no one listens to reason around here."

Tahoma marched forward. There wasn't an ounce of fear in him. Renata even stepped out of his way as he confronted Keone. "Watch your tongue. You are not welcome here, trespasser. Leave. Now."

Keone stood his ground, lifted his chin and looked up into Tahoma's eyes. "I will leave once I am certain of Renata's well-being."

Renata blinked a couple times in disbelief. "You risked death to check up on me?" Both men looked at her. "You're unbelievable. I left for a reason. You have no right to show up here like some fucking savior."

Tahoma nodded along to Renata's words. He sent her a reassuring smile, but his face soured once he returned his eyes toward Keone. "You heard Renata." He stepped closer. "Go...before I decide to end you."

Keone's eyes brightened with challenge. That fire died as he looked at Renata. She felt no sympathy. She was just so angry at him, and couldn't believe she agreed with him on anything. "I know you hate me, but it's not too late to change your mind." He stepped around Tahoma.

That rage inside of her that was finally beginning to subdue roared to life. She stepped in front of him. Her face was red and she was trembling. "Why—" She felt the explosion of pain right as she heard the gun go off.


He yelled in fear and grabbed her right as he heard the familiar shouting of Nirvi's guard. Her big eyes widened, and her features contorted with pain.

As Keone looked down at her, Tahoma raced forward and disarmed the person. "Stand down!"

"The intruder—"

"I will deal with you soon enough!" Tahoma hissed. "Tell everyone else to stand down and return to their stations."

"Did I—Did I just take a bullet for you?" Renata groaned and coughed. Some blood splattered on Keone's face, and the deeply disturbed part of him recalled being in a similar setup as this one.

"The bullet's still lodged," Tahoma was crouching at their side. Keone was cradling her close and recognized they were both being soaked in crimson. "Pick her up, we need to get her inside."

"No, it's too painful," Renata cried out. "Here." They both watched as her trembling hand reached out toward Tahoma. Her fingers brushed against his knee and beneath the black skirt. Tahoma watched with intrigue as she removed his other blade.

Both men watched her in confusion as she examined it. Keone had a sneaking suspicion about what exactly she was up to, and he wasn't sure whether to stop her or not. He had a feeling if he did, she'd only hate him more.

"I don't understand," Tahoma muttered.

Renata tried to breathe in but that proved difficult. More blood was seeping from her mouth. Her voice came out pained and raspy. "I'll see you soon." She mustered the last of her strength and with a deep grunt, she shoved the blade in her throat and ripped it right back out.

Tahoma was startled and attempted to hold her wound, but Keone snatched his hand away. "Let her go. She'll be back."

Tahoma's eyes flashed. Keone barely felt Tahoma's hand against his chest before his body was tossed backward. His back absorbed most of the impact, but his second skin continued to take on most of the strikes and forces dealt his way. He came to his feet right as Tahoma took Renata into his arms. The sight of him cradling her so near made him coil with frustration. "You've lost your mind."

"She's already dead. Her heart has stopped—don't deny it. Just get her cleaned up before she awakens."

Tahoma looked down at Renata with searching eyes. He returned his gaze to Keone. "But she's human..." He inhaled sharply. "Did she consume a heart?"

Keone rolled his eyes right as the back doors burst open. Nirvi, accompanied by Rocio, had joined the party. He still directed his attention toward Tahoma. "Of course not. Where would she have gotten one in the last twenty-four hours?"

"What has happened?" Nirvi demanded.

"Oh my god, Nata!" Rocio screamed and raced forward. She ripped Renata from Tahoma's arms. "Why can't I hear her?"

Nirvi's eyes burrowed into Keone. "My eyes must be deceiving me. I know Angel's top soldier is not on my land uninvited." She went by Rocio's side. "And while you're at it, explain why my guest of honor is dead." The last word was said with enough venom to send a shiver down his spine. "Please, while your head remains attached to your neck, preferably."

Keone shook his head. He feigned confidence and nonchalance. "Renata really is distrusting. She hasn't told you yet." He scoffed. "That checks out." He watched a trembling Rocio with a sympathetic expression. "Although, I thought she would have told you by now that she can't die."

Both women froze.

Tahoma looked around, as if the answers would somehow fall from the sky or jump out from the cover of the forest. "Your pulse is steady. You're either a spectacular liar, or you're telling the truth." He examined the blood underneath his fingernails. "But that would explain why you've been her shadow this last year."

Rocio sniffled. "Wait, so, she's not dead."

"She is," Keone confirmed. "But she'll be back."

"How soon?" This question came from Nirvi. Her thoughts were racing. He could see her motives shifting and evolving with each new piece of information coming to light. This meant more trouble for Keone.

"The longest I've seen is a couple hours. The shortest: an hour. Just get her cleaned up. No one wants to wake up caked in their own blood."

"You had better be right. Okay, let's go Nata," Rocio said, walking away without another word. Tahoma sent one, lasting glare before following close behind.

Nirvi lingered. Keone awaited the consequences of his actions.

She smirked. A light laugh burst from her lips. "Isn't this interesting?" Her heels clicked as she came a little closer. "You can go." Keone didn't understand. "Consider me not killing you a favor." Then, it clicked and his stomach dropped. The cruel amusement never left her eyes. "And you know how much I love collecting debts." The next time his eyelids lifted, she was gone.

Keone showed himself out, wondering if he was only capable of making things worse. 

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