~ How it all Started ~

Start from the beginning

"We were just at the part where the smart boy left to save the princess and the big crystal thingy!"

"Ah, that is a good one." The man smiled, opening to that page the child and her friends.

After a fierce battle and the succeeding retrieval of the princess and the heart. The scholar and his friends rushed back to the city, as a doormat volcano began to awaken. Once they returned, the scholar released the heart, and it began to use its power to save the empire and its people. And in order to do that, the heart summoned the very things that protected the empire the first time. Towering, majestic statue beings began to walk to the border's edge as the magma burst through the wall. By clapping their towering hands, the stone giants created a barrier that domed over the entire city. Thus, saving the empire, from immediate doom.

As the princess returned, she finds what was lost from her people had also returned. All thanks to the scholar and his friends, she rewarded them handsomely as they began to prepare to return to their homes on the surface. However, the scholar decided to stay and help rebuild the empire and help them relearn their culture.

"He also wanted to stay with the princess.~" The child giggled, and so did her friends. The turtle-like creature made kissing noises making the other two laugh even more.

"Yue," Her father warned.


A few years passed, and the rebuilding of Atlantis was going underway without flaw. The people were coming back to being the thriving nation it once was. And the once princess, now queen, lead them all to a new era with her beloved scholar by her side. One day, their friends from the surface returned in a sudden visit, with a good reason. Unfortunate occurrences have been happening upon the surface and their friends feared it was something from Atlantis that was left behind after the great calamity.

Journeying to the surface, the queen and the scholar discovered that Atlantis influenced many things in the past. Some were good, some were pure horrid. But out of all of that, something remarkable occurred. After stopping another great calamity, the queen received a powerful Atlantean spear that was the key to bringing her lost nation back to the surface. Not only allowing her people the see the sun once again but allowing them to share their light with the world while ensuring that it'll never again fall into darkness. And since then, the world was never the same after that time. It was much, much better.

"Ooooo," both the father and daughter said in awe.

"But that wasn't the end was it, daddy?" Yue asked.

"Nope, after another century or so. Atlantis did spread its teachings and culture to other lands, just like what Queen Kida wanted. However, just as there was goodness in people there was still also greed. One day, just when I was about your age. Some unknown darkness came and attacked Atlantis and tried to take the heart. But before it could, a descendant of Queen Kida and her husband Milo, the current monarch of the empire. Summoned the spear Gungnir, and hid Atlantis again. But this time, they hid pieces of clues in various places of the world where only members of the royal bloodline can find them." her father explained.

"And the book that lead Milo to it the first time is one of them, right?" Yue asked as her father tucked her into her bed.

"You got it, after everything that had happened during that time. Milo decided to make a journal of his own, telling those who read it, all of his discoveries and adventures. Think of it as a second volume of the Shepherds Journal, but then he thought of another idea. He made it into a family heirloom that had been passed down to each scholar that was in the family bloodline. Each chapter of that journal told of a different adventure from each generation. And the current last chapter has all the clues to rediscover Atlantis."

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