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Loki is in an underground lab and watches as people work and is then thrown into another world

the other: "the chitauri grow restless"

loki: "let them goad themselves. I will lead them into glorious battle"

the other: "Battle? against the meager might of Earth?"

loki: "glorious not lengthy if your force is as formidable as you claim"

The other: "you question us? you question him? he who put the scepter in your hands, who gave you ancient knowledge when you were cast out defeated"

loki: "i was a king, the rightful king of Asgard, betrayed"

the other: "your ambition is little, full of childish need. We look beyond the Earth to greater worlds the tesseract will unveil"

loki: "you don't have the tesseract yet"

the other lunges at loki hissing

loki: "i don't threaten, but until i open the doors your force is mine to command you are but words"

the other: 'you will have your war Asgardian but if you fail and the tesseract is kept from us there is no realm, no world where he cannot find you, you think you know pain he will make you long for something as sweet as pain"

"scary who are they talking about?" asked ginny no one answered molly was getting pissed "why isn't anyone answering?" she screeched 

loki taken back to reality and he flinches and is mad very mad, back on the helicarrier steve had just given fury ten dollars and fury accepts and shakes banner's hand

fury: "dr thank you for coming"

banner: "thanks for asking nicely"

maria: "all engines operating. SHIELD emergency protocol one nine three point six in effect"

fury nodded curtly

banner: "so um how long am i staying?"

fury: "once we get our hands on the tesseract your in the wind"

banner: "well where are you with that"

coulsons: "were sweeping every wirelessly accessible camera on the planet cell phones..."

coulson keeps talking as sevtlana and Inessa walked over to a computer that is doing barton's face trace

coulson: "...laptop's if it's connected to satellite it is eyes and ears for us"

sevtlana and Inessa: "that's still not gonna find them in time"

natasha smiled sadly at her sister and niece,

natasha: {russian} "you'll find him you always do, you always find each other, that is the way it is that is the way it has been since 2009"

sevtlana: {russian} "that meeting was accidental"

natasha: {russian} "well yes but then you saw each other again 6 years later"

sevtlana tilted her head in agreement

maria: "agent romanoff?"

natasha/sevtlana/the twins: "yes"

maria: {sighing} "natasha and Vanesa don't you have a science lab to blow up?"

natasha/Vanesa: "ooh yes i do"


banner: "you have to narrow your field. How many Spectrometers do you have?"

Svetlana Romanoff Hp x MCU (update after (other) Svetlana Romanoff)Where stories live. Discover now