I lean back and pout, giving him my best eyes as I look through my lashes. He just chuckles.

"Fucking Seduttrice, you're good. We'll make a quick appearance, then we dance, okay?" he asks. And just because I am happy as hell to be here and hopeful for an invitation to the next party here, I smile at the giant and let him lead the way. I guess it's time to meet this mysterious Sebastian that lives in this mansion.

I'm not sure if it's just nerves or hope that makes my stomach queasy as we walk past the lone bouncer and up the stairs but I can feel my hands growing clammy. Also partially because I'm letting a giant stranger lead me away from the party, though I'm not so worried about Mattheo. I'm more scared that I'll make a bad impression on the host.

What if it really is Rosie's grandson? I mean technically, he mentioned Hartford, which is where we are, and if he's the son of the person paying for Rosie's residency, the palace would make sense. Butterflies go off in my stomach as the pieces click into place.

God, I hope I'm right. I think. I mean, it would certainly be fun to meet the sweet young man again and another familiar face at this party wouldn't hurt. I really can't picture Sebastian in his white button-down among these party people though.

My questions go up in thin air as I'm led into a room down the hall on the second floor and my eyes find those hauntingly beautiful dark ones. It's him. Oh, damn, it really is him. My cheeks blush and I smile to myself as he looks at me, recognition clear on his features. It's good to know that I made a well enough impression that he remembers me after weeks and while I look completely different.

Mattheo lets go of my shoulder and walks toward the couch where Andrew, Sebastian, and Lilianne are already seated. He greets the host, momentarily stealing his attention. In the meantime, I walk over too, feeling uncharacteristically shy.

I force myself to stand straight and smile naturally when I stop in front of the couch, unsure about how to proceed. Like, do I shake his hand? It's not like he's getting to his feet to greet me as he did with Mattheo. No, he's just sitting there, giving me an unimpressed look.

The butterflies shrivel. What the hell? Where's that sweet smile of his? "Hey there, thanks for the invitation," I greet him, trying not to let his cold stare intimidate me.

He arches a brow. "Hi, yeah sure. And you are?" he retorts, none of the politeness of our first meeting coming off of him.

"That's Aliena. You know, the best friend I never stop talking about? The one I grew up with?" Lily pipes up and I can hear her irritation. No matter how shy she is, she's never too shy to try to stand up for me. I shoot her a quick smile and she replies with a quick nod.

The short moment of triumph is broken by Sebastian's unimpressed voice. "Huh, doesn't ring a bell. Do you go to our school?" he asks lazily, leaning back further into his seat. Really now? He's going to pretend not to know me? I'm sure he remembers how I told him that I didn't go to university or college, but worked instead. He met me there, for Christ's sake.

Fine, if he wants to play this game, I can too. This isn't the guy I met at the nursing home anyway. "No," I reply drily before taking a seat on the couch next to Lily, who leans closer to whisper something in my ear.

"I'm sorry for him. I don't know what's gotten into him. He's usually not half bad," she says. I just brush her off. I'm pretty sure I know exactly what's gotten into him. He doesn't like the fact that I saw him vulnerable and human when he visited his sick grandma, and now, he's trying to make it up by being twice the "man". Aka, being a jerk.

I really misjudged him.

And as if my mood hadn't soured enough, a beautiful, tall, slim woman appears next to the couch in the next moment and conveniently falls onto the host's lap. She giggles, throws an arm over his shoulder to play with his hair, and whispers something in his ear, all the while shuffling around on his lap.

The man's icy expression thaws and he gives her a small smirk, touching her thigh briefly. The similarity of the touch to how he flirted with me those weeks ago only makes me madder and I can feel my face burn up. Great, so this is just a regular thing for him, picking up women wherever he goes. God, I'm an idiot. I wish I hadn't spent all that time daydreaming about him.

Suddenly, his eyes leave the pretty girl's face and lock straight onto mine. His grin widens. And I've had enough. I get to my feet, smile at Mattheo, and hold out my hand to him, making sure my movements are extra sensual. If there's something I know, it's seducing and appealing to men. Better use that talent now.

My new friend doesn't need more encouragement and gets to his feet, grinning like a Cheshire cat. As we walk away, there's a new swing to my hips.

So what if the guy I had a silly little schoolyard crush on for a few days turns out to be an idiot player? I look great tonight and the party downstairs is lit. I'm going to enjoy the hell out of it.

Plus, I know I didn't imagine the host's clenched jaw as I walked off with his friend. What can I say, I couldn't help a small glance back at Lily. Since Sebastian was right next to her, I looked at him by default.

I look up at Mattheo as we walk towards the stairs, past all the doors on the left and right. "I hope you're ready to dance, big guy. Try to keep up."

I got nothing to say...

Have a terrific day, though, and don't forget to vote<3

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