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Seek had started walking to his domain, passing room after room to get there. He could always just travel quickly through the floor, but what's the fun in that?

He soon got there, being surrounded by the same walls he's seen nearly every day. Sunlight was shining through the window, giving the place a warm feeling. Seek leaned against the wall and rested. He couldn't even remember how long he had been doing this. He was waiting for what felt like an hour before sensing someone near by. He submerged himself and waited.

A woman and a man soon entered. They both seemed to have an average build. Seek rose up. They both turned around and looked in shock before running. Seek soon chased after them. A piece a furniture crashed against the girl, making her fall over, however the man dodged it barely, almost tripping. Seek chased him for a few more doors before one of the hands grabbed him and bashed him into a wall, killing him. Seek turned around, walking back to where the woman fell. Once he got there he saw her ankle twisted in a weird angle. It was probably broken. Seek stared at her as he began to slowly walk towards her. She crawled away in fear, but it was useless. Seek grabbed her by the hair, pulling her up to look at him. He shoved his arm through her torso. She let out a cry of pain, which was quickly silenced when Seek ripped her throat out with his other hand. She died almost instantly.

Seek threw the body on the floor, letting one of his arms take it. He walked back to his starting room, sitting down and looking through one of the windows.

(Time skip)

Seek heard another human. He submerged himself quickly. They came in, and Seek arose, it was another average male. They did the whole chase which ended with a cracked open skull. Seek realized that he should probably start heading back now. He sighed and walked back to the living room, getting there in a good amount of time.

When Seek got there he saw all the entities doing whatever, Screech and Glitch were watching TV, and everyone else was playing cards. But Figure wasn't there. "Hey. Seek." Samson said.

"Oh, uh, hey Samson."

"Figure is in the courtyard. Waiting for you." He stated plainly.

Seek was about to say something before Samson just walked away. Seek started to walk towards the courtyard. He was about half way there when something jumped out of the desk drawer, making Seek jump. 'Oh... just a spider..' Seek was about to walk away when he heard a tiny voice.

"Hello! I'm Timothy!" The spider said. Wait. The spider?

"Did... you say that?" Seek asked.

"Yeah! Nice to meet you!" Timothy said.

"Oh.. well, I have somewhere to be, sooooo...." Seek said, hoping he would get the message.

"Alright, have fun mister!" Timothy said before jumping off the desk and scurrying somewhere else. Seek continued to walk to the courtyard.

He got there a few minutes later. Figure was sitting in the grass, humming to himself. Seek stood in silence. Watching him for what felt like hours. Seek finally decided to speak up.

"Hey Figure.. I heard you were waiting for me?" Seek said.

"Ah... yes, I... was.." Figure responded. "Come.. sit..."

Seek walked over and sat next to Figure. Figure made a weird noise and spoke.

"Not... there.. idiot.." Figure said playfully. Figure grabbed Seek before he could respond and placed him on his lap. Seek started to blush furiously and looked up at Figure.

"U-Uhm, are you s-sure about t-this..?" Seek asked nervously. Figure simply nodded in response.

Figure and Seek were sitting together for a long time, the silence only being broken when Figure spoke. "I... love you.. Seek.." He said suddenly. What he had said didn't even register in Seek's mind at first.

"What..?" Seek said. Figure just looked down at him and stayed quiet.

"I... I love you too..." Seek responded nervously. Seek and Figure inched closer to each other until they were so close they could hear each other breathing.

Seek closed the gap suddenly, kissing Figure and wrapping his arms around him. Figure soon returned the kiss, smiling into it. He broke the kiss a bit after. Not a word was spoken after as Seek just stared at him. Seek could feel his heart beating fast. He liked the feeling he had when he was close to Figure. He wanted more. He started another kiss, only rougher this time. It got deeper with time until they saw a camera flash and heard a click. They panicked and ended the kiss, looking over to see glitch holding a camera with the rest of the entities behind him.

"Man, I thought you two goobers were gonna fuck the way you were trading saliva." Samson said, breaking the silence.

"Fuck you." Seek said back.


Well, this is the last chapter. I might make a second book continuing this but this one is over. Thanks for reading.

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