The Witch

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"Come on we've been waiting here an hour. The ghost is a no show." A man says as the group is waiting with tourists in puritan village.

"Maybe she'll show up in the concert tomorrow." A girl says as tourists leave.

"Too bad. I was going to have a little chat with my ghostly ancestor. I wanted to ask here where she'd hid her journal." Ben says.

"Boy. Ben seems to be pretty obsessed with that book." Daphne says as Alexis nods.

"I'll say." Fred says.

"I wonder if there's more to what he's telling us about that book." Alexis says as she looks at Daphne.

"We should all leave too." Ben says.

"We should give it a chance Ben." Daphne says.

"Yeah it's probably a hokey bed sheet with a wire or something. This could be funny." Fred says.


"What's going on guys?" Velma asks as the group is later walking before a frightened Scooby-Doo and Shaggy run into the group.

"Yeah. What are you running from?" Alexis asks.

"Ghost!" Scooby-Doo shouts.

"A roast?" Ben asks as he helps Velma up.

"A witch's ghost!" Scooby-Doo says.

"You saw the witch's ghost?" Velma asks.

"Yeah." Scooby-Doo says before he acts like a ghost.

"So where is the ghost? Can you show us?" Fred asks.

"Like do we have to? She throws fireballs man!" Shaggy shouts in alarm.

"Shaggy." Alexis says.

"Oh alright. Like down this street." Shaggy says as the group looks down the street and sees nothing.

"There's nothing here now guys." Alexis says as she looks around.

"We thought we'd gotten away from the first 3 witches when this ghost chased us from down there." Shaggy says.

"Wait. You saw three other witches?" Alexis asks.

"Yeah." Scooby-Doo says as he nods.

"Hmm... you said she threw fire balls right?" Velma asks.

"It was like this Velma. But a thousand times worse." Shaggy says as he points at a shirt about the witch.

"Is this the street she chased you guys?" Velma asks as Alexis looks around.

"Like don't remind us." Shaggy says.

"Hey check out these branches. They were all broken from the tops of these trees." Fred says as he sees broken branches.

"And in a perfectly straight line." Daphne says.

"That's definitely not normal." Alexis says.

"This is getting interesting Ben." Velma says.

"Shaggy!" Scooby-Doo shouts as the group hears rock music.

"Like not again!" Shaggy shouts in fear.

"What is that?" Daphne asks as the group sees lights.

"Let's go see." Velma says as the group begins walking.

"Like where are you going?" Shaggy says as the group walks through the forest before seeing three girls on a stage dressed in dark clothing.

"Hit it sisters." A dark haired girl says as she hisses like vampire.

"Wow." Alexis says as she looks at the girl curiously.

"Zoinks! It's the witches!" Shaggy shouts fearfully.

"Easy guys. It's just the Hex Girls." Fred says as the girls begin playing a song before soon finishing and noticing the group as they cheer.

"You guys are amazing." Alexis says.

"Thanks. What are you doing here?" The dark haired girl asks.

"The concert's tomorrow." A blonde girl says.

"Hey wait a minute. Aren't you Ben Ravencroft?" A red haired girl asks.

"Why? You not gonna bite me are you?" Ben asks.

"Cool. I always wanted to meet you. You're like one of us. Seems one of your friends there likes the darkness too. Judging from her clothing." The dark haired girl says as she smiles at Alexis.

"Oh... Well I do have my interests in the nightlife. Though my clothing isn't nearly as cool as yours." Alexis says while blushing.

"I think it is. It's unique." The dark haired girl says.

"Hi." The blonde girl says as she looks at Scooby-Doo and Shaggy.

"Hello." Scooby-Doo and Shaggy say fearfully.

"That's quite an act Ms. uh..." Fred says.

"Thorn. This is Dusk and Luna. We're eco goths." The dark haired girl says.

"Eco goths?" Scooby-Doo and Shaggy ask confusedly.

"And we don't need your approval." Dusk says.

"Geez all those explosions at the end are mystifying. Eh Velma?" Fred asks as he looks at Velma.

"Yeah very mystifying." Velma says.

"And captivating." Alexis says as she smiles before Daphne chuckles at her causing her to blush.

"So... where are you girls from?" Ben asks.

"Oakhaven but we won't be here for long. We're close to cutting our first CD. Well it's been killer meeting ya." Thorn says as she and Ben shake hands.

"Same here." Ben says.

"But we better get back to our rehearsal." Thorn says before she smiles at Alexis and walks off with Dusk and Luna.

"Those Hex Girls seem kinda suspicious." Fred says.

"I'll say." Velma says.

"Daph and I will keep an eye on them." Fred says.

"And I'll investigate around by myself. See what what I can find." Alexis says.

"Gee Fred! Why is it that you always pair off with Daphne?" Velma asks.

"Uh well." Fred says nervously.

"Never mind. It is a good idea. You guys stay here. We wanna take another look at where the guys saw that ghost. Come on." Velma says as she leaves with Ben, Scooby-Doo and Shaggy.


"Come on now. I gotta find something." Alexis says as she is looking around before shifting to wolf form as she sniffs around.

"You're a wolf?" A voice asks making Alexis turn quickly to see Thorn.

"Thorn!" Alexis says in alarm.

"How long have you been able to do that?" Thorn asks curiously.

"Please don't tell anyone. I don't like people know. But to answer you since birth. And I'm a wolf shifter." Alexis says.

"I won't tell anyone. But that is amazing." Thorn says as she smiles.

"It is?" Alexis asks in surprise.

"Truly wicked." Thorn says.

"Oh... thank you." Alexis says shyly.

"You're welcome. Why are you by yourself?" Thorn asks.

"Oh um I'm just trying to find out more about the Witch. Can you tell me anything possibly?" Alexis asks as she shifts to human form.

"I'm afraid I can't. I don't know much more than you do. Anyway I gotta go. Concert's tomorrow and I gotta be ready." Thorn says.

"Right. Well thanks anyway and good luck." Alexis says.

"Thanks. Oh by the way I really like your look as a wolf. It's pretty cool. And good luck with your investigation." Thorn says as she leaves before Alexis smiles.

Light In My Dark Scooby Doo And The Witch's Ghost Thorn X OC AlexisWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu