Izuku being the socially inept and shy boy he is was being extremely overwhelmed at the moment. Luckily for him the teacher came in at that moment and told the class to hurry up and sit in there seats. The school day went by fairly normally for Izuku except for the difference of his classmates actually trying to talk to him. Eventually it was the end of the school day and Bakugo had gotten Izuku notebook that he usual writes in from the green haired boy somehow.

"So this is what your quirk does deku you practically can't do anything without someone else," Bakugo said while reading over Izuku notes, "I mean the thing that even makes you stronger is only if you are behind everyone."

"Ah um well I I m mean I c c could always u u use a r r ranged w weapon l l like t the pro hero s snipe," Izuku said while scratching the back of his head.

"I suppose but you can't hardly do anything by yourself except for a few things like that teleport move and even than you need a target," Bakugo said while looking at Izuku.

"I know t that and I I already h have an idea on s s something I could d d do to help b but right n now I have been looking u u up h hero t teams s since I w would work better in those s situations," Izuku stutter out.

"So you can do something to make yourself less useless than why haven't you done it yet?" Bakugo asked with a glare.

"I I am t trying t t to come u up with t the best o options is a a all," Izuku said while missing with his fingers.

"Yeah we'll whatever you'll never be as great as me when you can't hardly do anything by yourself but at least your more useful than most extras," Bakugo said before tossing Izuku his notebook and walking away with his lackeys, "if you plan on forming a hero team you need to be able to get through a hero course in high school before that! So hurry up when I become the number one I will need at least some decent hero teams to work with on keeping the civilian safe while I beat up the villains!"

Izuku didn't say anything as they left since he was picking up his stuff and packing it away. Izuku got on his phone as he left the school looking up different hero teams he saw some called the X-men, another group calling themselves the Teen Titans, and yet another called them self the Young Justice league. The last one he figured was just paying homage to the old DC comics from pre quirk times. There was another group that called themselves the Avengers also another group paying homage to pre quirk comics except marvel this time. This led Izuku to think about if the two groups argued about which franchise was better. Izuku than got two pings on his phone talking about a local hero team the Wild Wild Pussy Cats and Mirko. The Wild Wild Pussy Cats managed to take down a few criminals that were hiding out in the mountains wilderness and apparently some people were camping nearby and managed to record it. While the rabbit hero Mirko had managed to take out quite a few villains by her self but still managed to stop harm from happening to civilians.

Izuku decided he would watch the videos on the news app once he got home.

Once Izuku got home he watched the video of the Wild Wild Pussy Cats and how they managed to defeat the villains. The video wasn't of good quality but still allowed him him to see what was going on. He also noticed how the pro hero Mandalay and Rag-doll fought. They didn't have quirks that make them stronger or faster or gave them control over elements. They primarily used their quirks in combination with support gear to trip up their opponents or mislead them. He also noticed how the hero in the back of their group Pixie bob used her quirk earth flow to control the battle field and help her teammates and even protect herself with golems. Izuku noticed how they each still have ways to attack villains and defend themselves. Izuku than watched the video of Mirko and saw how she moved around bouncing off of buildings, lamp post, and power lines to catch up to the villains and fight them or save a civilian from something falling from a building a villain had hit. Izuku saw how much more she could move around her battle field and quicker she was than most people.

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