2.3} The Watering Hole

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"Fine, I'm in." Kenji sighs. "It makes sense. With Luca having horrible direction senses in the jungle, I'm the best option since I know this island like the-"

"The back of my VIP hand." We all said in sync. I roll my eyes at his comment on me even though it's true. Y/N knew more of the island then I did since uncle made sure of it ready for when she'd take over.

"We have been spending way too much time together." Kenji says to us all.

"Let me know what the noise is." I tell Brooklynn.

"Sure thing, Luca." She answers before we all split ways.

I walk behind Kenji with my hands behind my back as Darius walks two steps behind me writing in his book.

"How come you get the butter knife?" I ask walking next to Kenji.

"Uh, cause I'm the leader. Now if you weren't so bad at directions maybe you would be. But, no Kenji is in charge. Aah." I laugh as Kenji gets poked by the branch Darius was carrying as a defence weapon.

"Dude, this is the tenth tree on a tree you've written about. How can you be so obsessed with trees growing out of other trees?" Kenji exclaims to Darius.

"These are part of the triceratops' food chain. You'll love this." Darius says to me. "They contain neochrome-" Darius then gets cut off.

"Wasn't looking for an answer." Kenji says walking off to a small puddle that's in the river ditch, filling up his water bottle.

"Not much appreciation." I shake my head while Darius raises his brow.

"Kenji, I know you like to pretend this place isn't cool, but look around! How crazy is it that we're living with dinosaurs?" Darius tells him. We then turn as we hear a few Parasaurolophus near us.

"When they aren't trying to eat us." I say leaning my arm on Darius's shoulder. "But It's also like we went back in time." I add.

Soon I stumble as Darius gasps upon seeing something. "Dinosaurs compete over geothermal vents to use as incubation chambers for eggs!" Darius tells us, causing me to run over extremely interested in this. Who wouldn't baby Dino's are involved.

"See? Cool! Like c'mon baby dinos." I exclaim to Kenji with Darius nodding beside me.

"Dirt and steam may be never-ending sources of wonder for you both, but my standards are a little higher." Kenji then walks right past us.

"How can I..." I shake my head knowing what he was gonna ask and already knowing my answer.

"Kenji can be hard to impress sometimes." I tell him as he sighs. Then as if he had an idea he grabs my wrist as we get in front of Kenji.

"Broseph, only VIP dinos with mad connects can get primo egg cribs." Darius says in a funny voice.

"What?" I pull a face at him.

"Didn't we talk about you and the bro-talk?" Kenji says monotone as he walks past us.

"You know, I feel bad for you." I looked at Darius with a raised brow. "You can't see what makes this amazing."

"I have seen it." Kenji sighs. "All of it. Like, a gazillion times. Oh, and those fern's you're so psyched about? Just there to hide speakers. Sorry, bro, but I am way over Isla Nublar. There's nothing here for me."

"That's a little harsh. I mean the dinosaurs are something to be interested in since they're free and wild now." I tell Kenji while I glance at Darius looking at the speaker.

"Dinos ain't my thing. You know that, besides he had to find out sooner or later." Kenji tells me just as we reach a dead end in the river.

"Whoa, Darius! You were right. I can't believe it! It's a dead end?" Kenji says dramatically. "This place is the coolest!" I roll my eyes at his behaviour.

Lady Of Secrets {Ben Pincus x F!Reader}Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat