Tyrian and his new Terror Troopers were getting twitchy and antsy from not having that many action to go on, so he decided to placate their bloodlust by sicking them on some nearby villages close to Vale, causing more grief and chaos for the kingdom and forcing the few veteran Huntsmen groups they had left to leave Vale, leaving only the students and teachers of Beacon Academy to protect the city with Atlas and the Empire.

Watts had decided to remain on the moon base when he first visited, deciding to work with the scientists they had to develop the weapons and gear they were prototyping for their arsenal. So far, he had been able to be professional with his fellows and learn more about the new space elements there were and come up with new theories to create the gadgets he was tasked to make, if his last report was anything to go by.

Cinder would frequently visit him from time to time, coming up with the excuse that she had gotten close to the knight and was wanting to help locate him and free him from the evil warlock's grip.

Emerald and Mercury were able to keep up with their schedules as well, and even took some advice from him to improve a plan they had to derail Beacon even more. During the semi-finals, Mercury went up against an improving Yang Xiao Long, and while the initial plan was to frame her for rampancy, (Y/n) advised Emerald to only trick Yang with her semblance. The result was that after Mercury threw the match, he went to seem like he was genuinely offer his hand to shake while Emerald made it seem like he was going to attack, which made Yang attack him in brute force and injury his leg, and ending up with Atlesian forces arresting a shocked Yang who had her illusions shattered at the right time so show her confusion and shock at what was happening before she was taken away in shame and in cuffs.

With Beacon now even more on edge and teetering on the brink of collapse due to the massive amounts of negative emotions arousing the Grimm numbers by the thousands, the final stages of Operation Broken Beacon were finally coming into play. All that was left was to seal the deal in the finals match of the Festival and Beacon and Vale of old would be destroyed, replaced with a new city that would be his starting capital.

The final phase was simple: They would cause the death of one of the combatants who for some reason was a synthetic, and Cinder would deliver a speech to criticize the kingdoms and their leaderships. Once the Grimm were driven into a frenzy, the Empire would defend their side of Vale they were given and evacuate anyone they could, while leaving the ones on Beacon's side to fend for themselves. This would seal the deal that the Huntsmen Academies were producing failing relics of the past and believe it was time for a more modern means of defense, specifically a military that had the power and numbers to protect them.

As he was imagining the screams of death his enemies would let out, his thoughts were interrupted by the incoming call he was receiving on his personal console. Answering it, he saw that it was Cinder herself.

Cinder: "My lord. We are about to initiate the final phase of Broken Beacon. The finals match is about to begin." She said.

(Y/n): "Excellent. Time for my true self to make its official debut." He said as he turned off the call and made for the hangar bay. Donning his dark robes and mask, he then to a stealth oriented TIE Phantom meant for scouting and reconnaissance missions, and made way for the outskirts of Vale, where a certain leader was waiting.

Upon reaching the area with dozens of Bullheads awaited lift off and filled to the bring with the new Chrysalisk Grimm he had created for this event, the TIE ship landed near the main building of the makeshift airfield, where a squad of White Fang were awaiting him to see who it really was. Once the cockpit opened and showed the Warlock, the leader of the team, who the dark sorcerer was looking for, motioned for his men to stand down as he went forward to meet him.

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