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I had woken up pretty early this morning as I felt movement in the bed coming from the right side. As I was getting more into my train of thought, I remembered that mason had spent the night at my house yesterday. I turned myself around, so I was now facing him. I stared at his very calm face as he was still sleeping. I started to admire every last detail about him, His hair, his face, his eyelashes, almost anything and everything I could point out.

I then picked up my index finger and started tracing the outline of his face. Over and over again, still looking at his eyes that were closed. I leaned in and gave him a kiss on the forehead, a kiss on the cheek, a kiss on his other cheek and finally planted a small short kiss on his lips. As I pulled away I felt mason's hand that had been on my waist tighten. He pulled me in again with his eyes still closed and gave me another kiss, but this time longer.

Y/n: Looks like someone's awake.
M: Good morning love.
Y/n: Good morning babe, did you sleep well?
M: Yes, mostly because you were here

I had a smile start to grow on my face and I even started blushing. That's when I saw mason's beautiful brown eyes start to open

M: Is that y/n blushing?

I had gotten embarrassed and tried to cover my face In between my hands. While I was shielding my face from the mason's , I felt his hands pull them off.

M: No, please don't cover your face love, I like it when you blush

I instantly started to feel butterflies fill my stomach. I smiled back at mason In reply,  and gave him a small kiss on the forehead, before pulling the blanket off of my body leaving it only to cover mason.

Y/n: Okay babe, I'm gonna get up and go shower or something okay.
M: No.
Y/n: Mason yes.
M: please don't y/n I really just want to cuddle you all day and watch movies.

I turned my head back at him to see him have his bottom lip pushed out and a sad expression plastered on the rest of his face. I didn't want to give in but I knew I couldn't resist it.

Y/n: Fine. But only because I love you, but can you at least let me go change.
M: you have 5 minutes

I rolled my eyes and quickly got up from the bed and ran over to my closet to find something to wear. I picked out some black Nike pro shorts and one of Mason's hoodies that I had taken not too long ago. As I walk back to the bedroom I stop in front of the mirror in the closet to admire myself. For once in a very long time I had felt pretty again. (Couldn't relate.)

I focus my gaze off of my mirror and walk back into the bedroom.

Y/n: What?
M: That took you 6 minutes

He then pulled his hand out from under the blankets with his phone and showed it to me on the screen. It read six minutes and thirty seven seconds, with the timer still counting. He had them peered the rest of his head out from under the blanket.

M: y/n
Y/n: Yes mason?
M: Is that mine?
Y/n: I have no idea what you're talking about.
M: Y/n, you took my hoodie
Y/n: oh did i now.

I see Mason start to smile a little bit as I make my way over to the bed laying down right beside him once again. I pull the covers back over myself and face in mason's direction.

M: You look really good today babe
Y/n: your not so bad yourself

I look mason in the eyes and lean in to place a soft kiss on his lips, mason depends on the kiss as he starts to tighten his grip on my waist once again. I feel him smirk into the kiss , I pull away and look into mason eyes before starting to trail kisses down his neck. All of the sudden we heard a knock coming from downstairs.

I detach my lips from masons neck and look up at him confused.

M: U stay here love i'll go check and see who it is.
y/n: okay mase.

He pulls the covers off of him and slowly walks out of the bed.

Masons POV:

I walk out of y/n’s bed and start to head for the door right as i'm about to leave the bedroom i start to question who was at the door. I open the door knob and start heading downstairs, That's when I hear a knock again but this time a little bit more aggressive.

I made my way to the front door and opened it slowly, that's when I started to see a face that I recognized very well, it was miguel.

M: Oh hey Miguel, what are you doing here?
Mi: Oh hey mason. I was just coming to visit y/n, sometimes when I'm bored I come and hang out with her.

This comment made me feel a bit held aback. As much as I loved both of them and trusted them both, I had always felt a bit jealous of Miguel when it came to him and y/n’s friendship, but i had trusted both of them and y/n always made sure to reassure me that nothing was going on

M: Uhm ok yeah wanna come in
Mi: yeah

He came in and I closed the door behind him and started walking to the living room with him. We both sat down on the couch facing one another

Mi: Did I interrupt something?
M: What do you mean?
Mi: Mason, your neck.
M: What's wrong with it?
Mi: Go take a look

I look at him with confusion as he lets out a little chuckle. I quickly get up from the couch and sprint over to the bathroom to look in the mirror. I quickly put my neck closer to the mirror to see that y/n had covered it with hickeys.


While Mason had gone to get the door I had been sitting down on my phone mindlessly scrolling through tiktok. I had come across a very funny one and started bursting out in laughter, that's when I heard the door burst open. There stood a mad, embarrassed, and sweet looking mason.
M: y/n
Y/N: Yees love?
M: my neck
Y/n: what about it?
M: There are hickeys everywhere
Y/n: I know

I saw a small smile grow onto Mason's face as he ran and jumped onto the bed giving me a big warm hug. That's when I felt myself leave the bed and the next thing I knew I was on Mason's shoulders begging him to put me back onto the floor.

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Okay ik I posted this a day late but in my defense I wrote this 7 times and thought all versions were bad so I stayed up till 1:08am writing this and this is the best I can do lmao. Uhm also I j got back from winter break so school has been a bitch. Uhm still expect me to post on wensday tho💋

 Uhm still expect me to post on wensday tho💋

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