The Jealousy of the Grand Duke

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"Still in the prime of your life." Johanna agreed, returning her daughter's hug just as gently and lovingly. "But I've seen the way you look at him, and how he looked at you. It reminded me of your father and I back when we first met."

"I remember you telling me that story." Dawn said, remembering her late father, who had passed away when she was very young. "You said that the first time you danced together, you just knew. That he was your true love."

Johanna smiled fondly at the precious memory of her late husband. "The stars were brighter that night." She said softly.

"If how I feel about my prince is even close to that," Dawn continued, still in her mother's arms, "then you know that he's..."

She then sighed deeply. "What I'm saying is that you found true love, Mother. That's all I want."

Johanna then brought her daughter out slightly to look her in the eyes. "Then go get it." She said, making Dawn blink in confusion.

"If the love you feel for this young man is true, and if he feels the same, then that love will make our kingdom stronger. Go find him. Whether he's royal or not, go find that young man and offer him your hand and heart."

Dawn's eyes began watering with tears of joy, and she hugged her mother again. "Thank you, Mother." She said happily.

"Well, now that you have my blessing, all you need to do is figure out how to find him." Johanna pointed out, happy because of her daughter's elation.

"No need to worry about that." Dawn said, breaking away from the hug and looking down at the piece of amulet in her hand. "I think I know how."


Later that same day, Ash was out in the town square, helping Miette and Serena with some errands. Well, he was really just carrying most of their purchases with one arm, while on the other arm, he carried a large basket with some fresh groceries; bread, fruit and eggs. Pikachu on the other hand, was carefully hauling a little bag of fresh vegetables on his tail while he was perched at his usual place on his master's shoulder.

Serena actually was giving him some subtle help by carrying along most of her own purchases along with her Sylveon, while Miette just dumped all of hers on poor Ash, her Slurpuff only helping her with the lightest objects. At first, Serena gave Ash some of her items, but only to play along and appease her stepsister. All in all, Ash was grateful for the help, subtle or not.

While the girls were busy at one of the dress shops, Ash and Pikachu took some time to briefly check on some of the servants that used to work at his family's home before Giovanni bought his father's trading company and dismissed them. They actually met up with Spencer Hale and his now teenage daughter, Molly.

Ash remembered back when he was younger that he would spend a lot of time watching over Molly and helping her with chores. In a way, she became like the little sister he never had. She was four years younger than him, and sometimes, she was more of a handful than Ash was. Now at age sixteen, she had mellowed out a bit, and was a pretty girl with long sandy blonde hair and blue eyes, wearing a simple blue and gray work dress.

While Ash waited for the girls, Molly took the chance to catch up with her older-brother figure. "You don't look too well, Ash." She said worriedly as she took in his half-starved state. "You do look healthier than the last time I saw you, but not a whole lot. Why do you stay there when they treat you so badly?"

Ash smiled at the younger girl. "It was the place of my childhood, the place that I once loved with me and my parents." He explained. "Now that they're gone, I take care of it and love it for them."

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