viii. tree climbing

Start from the beginning

"I'm fine, Dr. Roberts. How are you?" I returned, smiling slightly.

"I'm great. Can I get the burger combo, please?"

I nodded and quickly scribbled his order down and waited for the other two to speak.

My eyes shot up to stare at the blond-haired man as he leaned forward, he looked around twenty-six years old, but the beautiful kind smile on his face made him appear younger.

He had sandy blond hair, with gentle curls to the middle of his ears, and a kind heart-shaped face. His dazzling green eyes mesmerized me, I even saw a hazel ring closer to the pupil.

"I'll have the same, Owen?" He asked without taking his sparking eyes off me. I looked down and scribbled his order to look away from his handsome face.

"I will have plain black coffee, please." A deep voice said from beside me. I nodded and scribbled it down before meeting his eyes.

The man that blondie called, 'Owen' looked around the same age as his friend. He has brown hair, gelled away from his face to perfection and steel grey eyes that were behind square framed glasses. His pale skin was unblemished with an angular bone structure. His smooth perfect hands, save for a scar on the top of his right hand, were clasped together on the table. He was dressed in a crisp suit and a plum colored tie.

"Got it." I nodded looking at his face, the mask on his face seemed as perfect as mine. But, if you looked deeper, nothing could hide the inner pain he had gone through in his life.

I walked back to Uncle's side and handed him the order. "Here's Dr. Robert's order-and his friends." I said, jerking my head in their direction. Uncle's face brightened as the looked at the three men.

"Alright, little bird. Hand this to Luke and North, eh?" He said, giving the order back to me and walking to the table they were sitting at. I shrugged and walked back inside the kitchen, seeing Mavis, Luke, and North standing around the counter. I handed the paper to North before he quickly reads it.

"Simple enough. I was just finishing the last round of burgers," He mumbles, turning his back to us as Luke winked down at me and helped complete the order. To get away from the vicious girl standing across from me, I grabbed a clean, empty coffee cup before filling it with the steaming coffee.

"Here." North said bluntly, handing the two orders of food to Mavis. She rolled her eyes and took the food from North. "Here, let me get this." North mumbled, gently taking the hot coffee out of my hands. "This could burn you if you aren't careful." He said sweetly, giving me his special smile before handing the cup to Mavis.

"Here, this goes with the order," he said, turning around as her mouth dropped open. "Why didn't you tell me to be careful?" She asked, voice rising, glaring at Luke as he laughed.

"Because you've worked here for a year and a half, Mavis." North rolled his dark eyes, "You know the ropes."

I turned around quickly to hide the growing smile on my face. Luke on the other hand was doing nothing to hide his amusement as he openly smirked at the steaming blond. Mavis huffed loudly and carried the food and coffee out of the kitchen.

"I don't think she likes me," I mused, gently moving my shoulders. Luke sighed playfully as he mimicked my actions. "She doesn't like anyone other than her family, Jessica, and ole' Northy there." He joked, ducking underneath North's flying arm.

"Oh," I nodded, "So it's not just me?"

"No, little angel." North smirked slightly, standing beside me.

Little Angel? The nickname warmed my heart but shocked me too. I was anything but an angel, the name demon fit me more.

I was thankful I wasn't the only one that was shocked, beside me Luke watched North with wide eyes before looking away, a tiny smirk resting on his plump lips.

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