Chapter 6

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-Warning: torture, screaming, violence, manipulation, stabbing, attempted murder, and cursing, if you are uncomfortable with these topics I suggest you leave- 

Y/n found himself sitting in an uncomfortable chair, like the one when he got injected, but this one was different, it didn't have the needles, it had an odd looking head piece although, he got slapped by Pierce unexpectedly however, looking up at him.

"The Winter Soldier tells me you're starting to like the Avengers, tells me you were talking to them in the tower. Why is that?" Pierce asked in his suffocating tone, the Winter Soldier was simply standing in the corner, his usual expressionless face.

"Well- I-" He stammered, what were they going to do to him now, now since he was apparently befriending the Avengers.

" they were nice, for the most part, it was odd, I don't know why they were so nice, I don't know- they- they just seemed like approachable people." Y/n answered, stumbling over his words with fear heavily laced in his voice. Pierce grimaced, as if he didn't want to do what he was about to do, but Y/n knew that wasn't true.

"Wipe him." Pierce said coldly, his hands behind his back as he stepped back, Y/n tried to protest, what were they going to do to him?

Two doctors went over and restrained him, pushing him down and having the headpiece put out over his head and was given a mouthpiece. He felt a surge of electricity being pushed around his head, he started screaming in pain, it felt like an electrical chair that was being forced to his head that wouldn't stop.

The experience started to blur together, it felt as if his thoughts were being mingled together and were being taken, he continued to scream in agony, tears began to stream down face, the doctors looked at their machines and then each other, they all agreed he was done, and stopped the machines. He felt as if he just had a heart attack.

The headpiece raised and his mouthpiece was taken, he collapsed, when he tried to stand, his head still was in agony. He shuffled to his feet, crying. Pierce looked over at him,

"Soldier, complete the mission next time, that was too much of a risk." He said, putting his hand on his shoulder

He nodded, looking up at him, tears still streaming down his face, his legs were shaking and he looked like he could sleep for 2 years.

Pierce looked down at his half arm, "Let's fix that shall we? Come with me, I'll set you up for the surgery." He said, gesturing him to follow, the Winter Soldier followed as well. He led him down a hallway into the medical area, a room was awaiting them with doctors, a chair, a table with tools, and a good amount of metal and what looked like wires and mechanics.

Pierce stood outside while the Winter Soldier and y/n walked inside, he sat in the chair, again, the Winter Soldier seemed to be there only for supervision. They started to prep almost immediately, a doctor put a breathing mask over his mouth and nose, and he started to inhale the anesthesia, almost instantly being knocked out. Then the procedure started.

All he knew was that it took hours to attach it and even more to make sure it wasn't infected and that it was strong, as well as working out the machinery.

Y/n woke up slowly, the anesthesia had worn off, and his arm was in pain, he grunted, getting up. "Go ahead soldier, try it out" a doctor with a thick accent said.

Gesturing to the arm. He looked down at it, he tested his hand movements, and if his fingers curled or not, they did.

"Woah.." he said to himself, looking at the arm, in awe of how beautiful the piece of tech was.

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