He ran around urgently, grabbing anything he could use to defend himself, he found a hammer, but couldn't lift it, until he found his gear, it was laid out on a table, likely as evidence, he didn't care.

The alarm sounded suddenly, the large beeping was distracting him, but he quickly refocused, grabbing his body armor and his knives, Steve made it to where he was, but y/n was ready, jumping and grabbing onto him, tackling him, his main objective was to get out, so he didn't care about fighting, now just running down the many flights of stairs. Security was running to that floor and they blocked his way down, he pushed through them through quick stabs and slices, continuing to run.

He eventually got to a point where the security was too tight and the people had weapons themselves, he narrowed his eyes at him, before jumping, tumbling down the flights by throwing himself over the railing, he fell for a while, then grabbing at a railing, the sudden break of the fall made him lose his grip and he continued falling, smashing into the ground floor

"Ow, ow, ow, ow." He groaned, slowly getting up, he looked up to see the avengers surrounding him, his eyes widened, looking around at all of them, he knew all of their names from having to research them, it was the falcon, black widow, Thor, captain America, Ironman, or Tony Stark, Scarlet witch, and Hawkeye. 

"Oh shit."he muttered under his breath, moving to get up, breathing heavily as he struggled to regain his breath, his legs shaking as he stood with a slight shrivel, not to his actual height, he didn't want to be too exposed to these people.

"What's your name kid?" The voice came this time from Tony stark. Who was standing in the center of the group with his arms crossed, he was wearing a nice suit, nothing like his Iron Man persona, which he found interesting, but the look in his face seemed slightly indecipherable.

He shook his head as to not answer, not moving considering he was very much outnumbered. His hand grasped around a knife.

"Clint, tranquilize him, he's clearly not that calm." Tony commanded, gesturing to Clint, he already had his bow raised, y/n backed up, the grip on his knife growing tighter.

"Don't worry, it's not gonna hurt" Clint said, shooting, he was right, it didn't hurt, but it was very effective, he was out before he hit the floor. His vision went dark almost instantly.

He woke up with arm restraints, in the same hospital bed the Avengers now standing around him, he looked around frantically, not having much energy, the tranquilizer was still in effect, he tried moving his arm and legs, both being restrained.

"Good, you're awake" Tony said, adjusting his glasses, the others were still staring at y/n

He hummed to himself slightly, hyperventilating, his legs shaking and his hands trembling, not being able to be very loud.

"Ok, kid, I need you to tell us your name, your age, and what the hell you were doing at HYDRA." Tony retorted, now leaning his hands against the bars that lined the medical bed.

He didn't say anything, it would be much more beneficial for his sake if he kept his trap shut, so he just narrowed his eyes at Tony Stark.

He rolled his eyes, "Alright, I'm done, I'm going to go to sleep, y'all tell me how it goes" he yawned, walking out the room. The team shrugged, looking at each other

"You know what, be ready to talk tomorrow, I'm going to bed." Clint said, walking out the room, many agreed voices and chats happened, until only Steve was left.

"Dang, guess I'm just gonna watch over you" he said, sitting down, his eyes seemed to cloud, lost in thought.

Y/n sighed, rolling his eyes and staring at Steve, he could tell exactly what he was thinking just by his facial expression, he looked confused, and in his eyes, there was a hint of anger, of guilt, he didn't want to give anything away though, so he just laid down in the bed, patiently waiting.

"I'm going to sleep." He said, leaning back in a chair. The room they were in wasn't small in any sort of way, but wasn't very spacious. He hated having to be in the same room with him, but he couldn't do much, being strapped down.

It was practically midnight, and y/n wasn't asleep, he saw something in the window, however, he looked up to see it was the Winter Soldier, staring at him, he quickly slipped in through the massive break in the window.

He was held on by a strong rope, using a knife, he cut the restraints off him. Y/n got up, taking his body armor and knives off of a table in the room. Captain Rogers was still asleep. The Winter Soldier grabbed him by the arm he was carrying things with and they scaled back up the building

"Couldn't have gotten me sooner? I got tranquilised trying to free myself." He said as they reached the top, there was a helicopter waiting for them, they walked over to see some guards waiting for them.

"Be glad you're getting rescued." The Winter Soldier spoke as they boarded the helicopter, not commenting on y/n's arm,

"Do you know what their going to do with my arm, you know, considering half of its fucking gone." He asked, because he had a prosthetic arm.

"What do you think? They're gonna make you a permanent prosthetic." His voice was harsh, with an undertone of annoyance at the amount of questions he had. Y/n took the hint, shutting up, the helicopter started up. Stirring the air, and likely the people asleep.

"You know, they were pretty nice I guess." He said, quietly, the Winter Soldier looked at him with anger.

"They're our mission. Snap out of it." He said angrily, resting his head on the seat back. Y/n sighed, simply nodding, he was sleep deprived, he hadn't slept for two days now, starting to see things in the corner of his eyes that don't normally exist.

Words: 1701

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