9. The nightly swim.

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Your p.o.v

I stay in for hours, before I get the chance to go out again. I run all the way to Sully's hut. I see the whole family in there. They look like they are having a talk. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to interrupt anything." Everyone is looking at you in concern, you look down at your bandages and see they are turning a little red. "Oh, don't worry about this." You watch Tuk stand up and grab your arm, she looks at your back. "Your back looks more red than the front." I look at her and give her a small smile.

"Tuk this isn't the first time I've got hurt like this." "Come in and sit" Neytiri tells me. I nod and sit down. I watch her grab some more bandages and a needle. I groan and drop my head down. "What is it? What's wrong?" She asks "I'm just not happy about having my back stitched twice today." Neytiri looks at me and gives me a smile. "I won't hurt you" I take her word for it. Letting her undo my bandages. She starts fixing up my cuts and wounds.

"There" I hear her voice tell me. I look at her and thank her. Neteyam stands up. "Y/n let me take you home. It's getting late" I look outside, watching the sun slowly start heading down. "I can go alone it's no big deal." Neteyam grabs my hand and pulls me up. I look at him and he stares at me for a moment. "Let's go" he says before dragging me outside. We start heading towards my family's hut. I hear running footsteps coming towards us. I watch Aonung wrap his arms around me and Neteyam. I look at him, and roll my shoulders so his arm falls off my shoulders. I yank my hand from Neteyam.

Both males look at me. "I'm not ready to go home." "Where do you wanna go?" You look Aonung and smile. "Can you teach me how to ride the ilu some more?" Neteyam and Aonung looks at each other for a moment than back me. My smile slowly goes away, when they give that 'no' look. "Please~" I say batting my eyelashes at the two males. "Come on" Aonung tells me. We had down towards the ocean, going a good ways into the water. Aonung starts calling the ilu. The ilu swims up towards us. I walk over to the ilu. Placing my hand on top of the ilu head.

"Hello" I say, the ilu let's me put him. I smile and grab my braid. I bring the braid around my shoulders. The ilu spins around, showing me where I can make the bond. I make the bond and try to say calm. I don't want to freak out the ilu. I slowly get onto the ilu and take a breath. "Remember to hold on tight" Aonung reminds me. I nod at what he tells me. The ilu swims off and heads under water. We swim for a bit. Neteyam and Aonung soon join me under water. We swim up for air and they both follow me up. I gasp for air, feeling the air flow back into my lungs.

I feel eyes on me, I like over at Aonung and Neteyam and see they are staring at me. "What I question?" They both look away from me and at their ilu's. "Do y'all wanna do that again" I question them. Both of them just nod. I get back on the ilu and swim back down into the water. Holding tight to the ilu. Staying underwater for awhile. Watching Neteyam and Aonung doing tricks. I would give them a smile. I see something shining down in the water. I swim down and start to lose my breath. The ilu starts to lose control and I get knocked off the ilu.

I try to swim back up, feeling my stomach is tightening. I almost make, seeing black dots in my version. I almost see the light of the moon before everything turns black.

I See You (Neteyam/Y/N/Aonung) 18+Where stories live. Discover now