Chapter 14

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"I have a feeling shits about go down." Alice told the group who nodded in agreement. They didn't know just how bad things were going to get.

So far their plan for Beatrix was going well. They had successfully broke her out and were now in Dowlings office. Beatrix had told them about the trap in Dowlings office and how to disable it. The air fairy had suggested using Dane.

"So we just what wait for Dane?" Bloom asked. The other girls looked at each other knowing that wasn't the plan.

"Yes. He's game." Beatrix stated. Bloom came up behind her.

"Are you game?" She asked. Beatrix shot the fire fairy a confused look before Elizabeth moved in between them and shoved the air fairy through the trap.

"Please don't do that it lookes rather unpleasant." Beatrix pleads.

"Don't worry little Trixie we won't need to after this." Lizzie confirms.

Beatrix immediately fell to the ground, paralysed causing the two second year fairies to laugh.

"And this is why my plans are the best." Stella stated. Terra looked confused by what had just happened.

"So we broke out Beatrix only to trap her again and get what we want?" She asked. Stella nodded at the earth fairy.

Stella and Terra took up the back while the other three were infront. Elizabeth had a feeling that something bad was going to happen, that feeling hadn't left in the past few days.

"Ahh so we're fucked. Nice." The blonde stated sarcastically. Saul shook his head at his daughter. Her sarcasm was definitely something that annoyed him at times.

"Do you want me to come in with you fire cracker?" The blonde asked as they stood outside the door to where Rosalind was being kept.

Bloom stared at the chaos fairy as if she was debating it with herself. One one hand she really wanted the girl there, so she could get her own answers. But on the other hand she wanted her as far away from Rosalind as possible incase she was dangerous.

Lizzie smiled at Bloom thankful that she was worried about her. Even thought she didn't need to be.

"Yeah, you deserve answers too Ellie." She replied taking the blonde girls hand in her own.

The blonde walks in after the fire fairy just incase she had changed her mind. She hadn't. The two reach the top of the stairs and look forward seeing a forcefield of sorts.

"Now would be a great time to turn around and leave girls." Ben advised the onscreen counterparts.

Considering they couldn't hear him they didn't listen and even if they did they still wouldn't listen.

"It kinda looks like one of yours." Bloom says quietly. Elizabeth nods in agreement. It was obvious Bloom had no idea what it was. It was a stasis field, which means Rosalind was in stasis.

"Where the bitch should stay." Andreas growled. She had took him away from him son and took Laura away from her daughter. Although he was happy he raised Beatrix.

As the girls approached, Bloom heard Rosalind in her head again. Elizabeth didn't know this. The fire fairy put her hand on the barrier and began to take it down freeing the older fairy.

Once free, Rosalind looked at the two young fairies before her. Looking them both up and down as if she was assessing them- she was.

Her eyes settled on Elizabeth. "You look so much like your mother Elizabeth." She said before leading the girls to a secret passage way out if the building.

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