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"AAAHHHH!" Sunoo screamed like a 10 year old girl who just got a iPod for her birthday.

"Uggh, Sunoo what is it? I was literally having the best dream ever." Geonu groaned in annoyance.

"Well sucks to be you I guess. Anyways, ENHYPEN IS TRANSFERING TO OUR SCHOOL!" The red haired male announced excitedly.

"Why tho? Jungwon asked confused.

" what why tho?" Geonu replied even more confused than the brown haired boy.

"I mean, why our school? They could just go to HYBE school, but instead they chose Pledis University."

"Yeah that's true tho." Sunoo replied.

"I think it's because of Kei." Jake commented.

"Enhypen and Kei are friends right? They probably wanted it their selves." The silver haired male explained.

"Ooooh, that makes sense." Jungwon commented.

"How is it going with Kei? I haven't heard from him in a while." Geonu asked, wondering if Kei is still lonely or not.

"Mhm... I don't know, let's call him!" Sunoo replied, excited to talk to their old friend again.


"What's wrong Hanbin?" Jungwon asked.

"You are all friends with Kei? As in the model?"

"Oh yeah, we are." Jungwon replied completely unfazed.

"And you didn't told me that?"

"OH SHIT, we forgot. Sorry Hanbin." Sunoo said with a cheeky smile.

"Hmph, it's fine." Hanbin remarked pouting with his arm crossed.

"Well we also didn't told you, because we know Kei is your idol." Geonu said as carefully as possible, but him being Geonu, miserably failed.

"Are you saying that you think Kei is going to be creeped out by me?" Hanbin remarked.

"No! But actually, yes." Geonu replied, not wanting to lie anymore.

"Oh... I get it. You're all are probably scared of me scaring off Kei so that he doesn't want to be you guys friend anymore." Hanbin said sadly.

"No! We don't mean it like tha-"

"I need to go, I have work at 2pm." Hanbin blurted, cutting of Sunoo's sentence.

Before they could reply back, Hanbin stood up, packed his bag and left.

"Uggh, I feel like such a bad friend now." Sunoo said, pulling at his hair.

"Because we are bad friends." Jungwon said, processing the whole situation.

"That's it, I'm calling Hanbin." Geonu blurted out, reaching for his phone.

"No! We should leave him alone for a bit, he's probably pretty mad at us right now." Jake remarked.

"Yeah, let's call him tomorrow." Jungwon replied, agreeing with Jake.

A week later


"For the hundredth time this week, I forgive you guys. I just need some more time to process this all." Hanbin replied.

Oh yeah, explanation of what happened this week.
They called Hanbin a day after the sleepover, but all Hanbin said was, 'okay' so they stalked Hanbin at his side job everyday and apologized whenever they could and would stalk him after his shift ended.

"So you're not mad at us anymore?" Sunoo asked with hope in his voice.

"No, I'm not anymore." Hanbin replied.

"GREAT, BECAUSE THE ENHYPEN'S FANMEETING IS IN A WEEK!" Geonu pants, he just came back from the toilet.

"Wait, the albums! They will be delivered today!" Jake said, worrying about the package not arriving.

"WAIT WHAT? LETS GO TO JAKE'S PLACE THEN! SHOO, LETS GO!" Sunoo yelled, sounding more worried than the silver haired male.


Another update!


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