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Liked by sheepy.Jay and 7.847 others.
Omg This might be my favourite sunghoon pic look how cute he looks! 🥺

Sheepy.Jay  : Istg when will you stop talking about sunghoon 🙄
↪️Sunshine.Hoon When you would stop talking about Jay 😙
↪️Hee.Hee.Seung: Oop-
↪️Puppy.Jake I-
↪️Sheepy.Jay Touché

Skate.Hoon My man looks so fine 😍
Sunshine.Hoon your man?? 🤨

Hee.Hee.Seung cute and all but have you seen Heeseung 😍
↪️Sheepy.Jay nobody gaf
↪️Sunshine.Hoon  ^
↪️Puppy.Jake ^
↪️Not.Shine idk what's happening but ^

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Liked by and 3.000 others.
Yall 😭😭 my friends are so mean
Let me know where you cpuld buy new friwnds pleqse 🙏

Hee.Hee.seung Writing's😀not😝 easy.🤨That's🤚why💤Grammarly💬can🙈help.🤓This😰sentence🤦‍♀️is👨‍⚖️ grammatically👯‍♂️correct,🏊‍♂️but😆it's🤡 wordy,🕹and🤑hard🥸to😱read.🍰
↪️Sheepy.Jay now....
↪️Hee.Hee.Seung what 😍😍🤩🤩

Hiyyih_lighter i bought mine on amazon  🤩🤩

↪️HIKARU.IS.TALLER.THAN.U we met at school tho?? 😭😭
↪️Hiyyih_lighter ik you're my bestie but let me slap you in the face AT LEAST ONCE

Soobins.big.ass I found mine in a dumpster 😍😍

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(that's a mix of my two names
But just call me Yuem :) )

Biggest fan ~ JakehoonDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora