Chapter 19: The Clincher

Start from the beginning

Just you in your sheets, nothing more.

It felt so real... Did I really only dream that? It felt like he was right here...

Your breath was heavy from the amount of excitement you felt within your body, a natural reaction to such a thing. You felt warm, and your heart was practically beating in your throat. You could almost feel phantom traces of his presence nearby, still remembering his scent in the back of your mind.

Yet the only remaining evidence where the goosebumps that lingered on your skin.

"You really got in my head, deer boy." You panted quietly.


"Y/n, for the last time, you cannot sign your name as 'Batman' on the work forms." Vaggie heaved with a sigh, exasperated that she has to tell a grown adult the simple fact.

"Show me one shred of evidence that proves I'm not Batman."

"Please. I'm asking you nicely." Vaggie pleaded.

"Y/n? Is that your voice I hear?" Charlie called out from the hallway outside.

"It is indeed, babe." You called out, pulling yourself upright and climbing down. Your heart still pounding a little from the exercise as your feet touched upon the ground. Feeling your knee almost buckling out from under you for a moment before you steadied yourself. You watched as the adorable blonde came jogging in while you hopped off the stage to talk with her; not before putting your gloves back on.

"So I just talked to my dad this morning," she started, talking while moving her hands. "He says you and I should be there around 5, get you set up and everything before the rest of the guests arrive."

"Alright," you nodded, "cool. Sounds good. Vaggie, are you coming?"

"Yeah, mostly for Charlie." She answered, approaching her partner and greeting her with a soft smooch on her head. It was honestly kind of cute to see them interact with each other sometimes. "Her dad and I don't always get along but I like going because it makes her happy and I enjoy being with her."

"That's really sweet." You smiled. "Well that makes me happy, that's one more person that I know that'll be there."

"Come on, Y/n. You'll have a great time." Charlie insisted. "Besides, you'll probably be so caught up with being with Alastor I doubt you'll have to worry about being near strangers. He's still chaperoning you after your performance, right?"

You felt heat slowly rise to your face. "Yes, as far as I know he is."

"What do you see in him?" Vaggie asked, surprisingly not with an air of distaste. "You used to not want to even be in the same room as him, and now every other time we bump into you you're both together."

"I like to think that we're getting along," you said honestly with a shrug, not wanting to tell them the whole truth. "I mean, I'm not going to complain about him not being a dick to me anymore. He's not so bad."

"I won't disagree with you on it being nice that you're not bickering anymore." She nodded. "But you know as well as any of us to be careful."

You and the other demonesses finished up your conversation and they left you to do whatever it is you were doing. Feeling like you got a decent morning work out in you decided to shower and get yourself ready for the day. What halted you was a voice suddenly calling out.

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