1 Files

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Gru and Lucy were on one of their usual missions, they had a good streak of missions completed and Valerie was proud of them for the first time. The pair had gone to great lengths to show her boss how good they really were after her firing, first convincing Dru to give up his life as a villain.

The couple was on one of their first air missions where they had to sneak in and recover a cargo plane that was hijacked because it contained a very valuable relic. Together they rode a kind of motorcycle-helicopter where they tried to reach the huge cargo plane, it was a 747 that was approximately at a speed of 200 kts and at 10,000 feet, somehow it was too low than normal and could cause an accident. or go into loss at any time. The couple got closer and closer to the huge ship, once they got to a considerable distance they stood on top of the aircraft and Lucy jumped, getting stuck on the outside thanks to one of her gadgets. She grabbed some kind of laser and made a hole where she managed to get into the ship, followed by Gru and the small motorcycle-helicopter that was folded up. Downstairs, some guards were already waiting for them who immediately pointed pistols at them but were not fast enough to dodge Gru's freeze ray. After the pair took down most of the guards they found the plane's pilots unconscious, knocked unconscious and had no way to wake them up. Gru and Lucy had to take the risk to enter the cockpit, eliminate the hijackers and take the plane even though neither knew how to fly it.

"Well... I have some knowledge about airplanes, as well as how to fly a helicopter. We'll manage with the help of the ATC" Lucy said with a bit of confidence.

Gru only made a gesture indicating to enter the cabin, although it was sealed the couple managed to enter and quickly paralyzed the kidnappers. The two quickly pushed the two kidnappers aside and sat down in the seats. Gru as pilot and Lucy as co-pilot. Lucy quickly contacted the local ATC for help and the AVL, which came to help them. Gru simply stabilized the ship with her knowledge out of harm's way while she continued to follow AVL and ATC orders. After a long conversation, they decided that the best option is to splash down in the water off the coast of California. The aircraft was again at 10,000 feet, hovering over the California coast. Several AVL helicopters escorted the ship as it slowly descended. Lucy continued with the communications and Gru, quite tense, continued to lower the huge ship little by little. When they were barely 5,000 feet Gru began to prepare the ship for landing, an AVL ship could be seen in the distance waiting to land and the helicopters were still escorting them.

"You're going to get it, honey." Lucy said as she patted one of her shoulders.

And they've already reached 1,000 feet. Little by little Gru raised the nose of the aircraft as they descended, the alerts began to sound but Gru had faith that the landing would go well. The decisive moment arrived and when they touched the water the ship stopped dead without any type of damage. The AVL quickly entered the cargo plane to rescue the couple, the hijackers, rescue the pilots and the valuable relic that was no more and less than a painting valued at millions of dollars.

After the event, the couple returned to the headquarters in search of news. As soon as they arrived, the secretary asked them to go to Valérie's office, they didn't know what she was going to tell them but they went. They walked in to find Valerie drinking a cup of coffee which she immediately put down on the table when the couple entered. They comfortably sat facing each other.

"Well, ma'am, what's going on?" Gru asked raising an eyebrow.

"Well, since I can have enough confidence in you I need you to go to the file store to look for the possible hijacker, aka "Zeta"." Valerie said as she took a sip of the steaming coffee and handed them a card that would give them access to the place.

"Make photocopies for me and return the file to its EXACT place" added the boss. Gru and Lucy only responded with an Ok as they left the office with the card in their hands.

The file store was a classified area where only agents allowed by the boss could enter. There you could find information on all the agents that the AVL has had and the villains that have been investigated.

Gru and Lucy walked towards the room until they came across the door. Gru passed the card and immediately the huge iron door opened. The room was full of shelves with letters and files, the blue files were the agents and the red ones the villains. They were walking in search of the Z files until Gru strayed.

"Where are you going?" Lucy asked as she followed him. "Give me a second, you can go find Zeta's file." Gru answered while he continued walking. The couple split up, while Lucy searched for the initial Z Gru was snooping through his files. She found a red folder from when he was a villain where there was an "archived" stamp because he hasn't returned to villainy and then the blue one, from the agent, which contained nothing interesting. He left the folders in his places and went back to Lucy. She kept looking for her and Gru tried to help her until he saw the W. He silently moved away from Lucy to go look at those files.

"Surely there's nothing interesting about me, Gru." Said Lucy realizing what she was doing.

He started looking for Lucy's file until he found three blue files that contained the word Wilde.

"Lucy, you know Luca and Amantha Wilde?"

Lucy's heart froze. She dropped the file she was holding in her hands to the ground and fixed her gaze on Gru.

"They were my parents"

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