"Make sure she gets it, okay?" Aiden's body was already partially turned away from me, already preparing to run away to the exit.

"Yeah.. get home safe.." I waved off to him as he cheerily jogged away.

Jesus Christ..

I sighed and flet the letter in my pocket, along with my phone. I pulled out my gadget and checked the time once again.


Vanessa should be atleast done by now. I started to make my way to her office, shuddering at the thought of using the utility tunnels. I rubbed my arms to soothe goosebumps that were starting to form. The only sound I could hear were my own echoing footsteps and the soft whirring of other janitor bots that were mopping the floor. I started to make my way down the stairs. The soothing music from the main lobby growing more muffled as I descended. The yellow lights on the wall illuminated everything until it eventually went dark.

I reached the bottom and was guided by even dimmer lights. I walked for a while until I saw a slightly rusted door in brightly lit area in tbe distance. The word 'Security' was painted on a plate of the door, the said paint already sratched up and faded.

As I approached, I could hear a muffled conversation inside the room, instantly recognising it as Vanessa's voice. I could hear her angrily yelling at whoever she was talking to.

"---told you I already have one ready!!




Yes! I know! But--


She's not in the way!! She's--


Fuck!! Fine!! I'll get it for you tonight, you zombie reject piece of shit!! You should be grateful I'm doing this for you at all!!."

Vanessa yelled out in rage. I could literally feel the heavy atmosphere all the way from here and I'm not even that close to the door yet.

I stopped at a certain distance, not wanting to eavesdrop and trying to atleast be respectful, but that didn't help since I could still hear her cussing.

The rest were unintelligible and she grew quieter and quieter, until I couldn't hear her talk anymore. I nervously approached the door, the sound of my heart beat was booming audibly in my ears as I raised my hand to softly knock on the door.


Vanessa..?" I called out to her. The sound of footsteps quickly ran up and opened the metal door.


Vanessa's hair was sticking out all over the place messily as she had a strange look in her eyes. They were wide and her pupils were somewhat almost like pinpricks.

It made her look crazed in a way.

Whoever she was talking to really pissed her off.

"I didn't expect you to be here so early!

Uhh..heh..how are ya?" Vanessa quickly closed the door and grinned at me.

I gulped, a pit forming in my stomach, a gut feeling screaming at me to run away from here as far as fast as I possibly could. But I didn't. I stood still, looking up at Vanessa's bright green eyes that stared back down at me in a piercing way.

"I'm.. fine.

And..how are you..?" I asked awkwardly.

She was quiet for a bit, then laughed.

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