9. L'Ombelico Del Mondo

Start from the beginning

"Emotions, emotions, emotions... You can't put a number on emotions, Malik. You can't decide which one of two pleasant emotions is the best. The answer is, in fact, extremely simple, and I already know what your choice will be, but I want you to find it out by yourself. Big Question #4 isn't just about prose or poetry. Your metaphor about the wife and the lover is another example. It's about how to choose between two opposites. Socialism or liberalism? Christianity or Islam? Defensive or offensive football? Black, white, or coloured? Male or female? Each one has advantages and disadvantages.

» The best decision tool is the Libra-technique, the scale of justice. Take a piece of paper and divide it in two with a vertical line. On top, you write «Poetry». Then you write the pros on the right side of the sheet and the cons on the left. What are the powerful points of poetry?"

"I like it, I'm good at it, and it gives me a glorious feeling when I can translate a feeling into words."

"What are the minor points of poetry, when you compare it with prose?"

"Not many readers like poetry. Violent action thrillers, for the convenience of the bloodthirsty reader, are much more popular—"

"Which makes it an economic benefit, right? You write prose for the money."

Malik feels insulted: "Certainly, that's not it. When you write for yourself, you keep your writing under your pillow and call it «a diary». When you write for others, you publish and reach as many readers as possible. I may be a prodigious poet and a horrible novel writer, but many people have horrible taste, and the majority always wins."

"If you want more readers, why don't you give your work away for free? Because you are only interested in paying readers? I know that story, Malik. It's called The Copyright Law, a relic from the 18th century to encourage the creation of art and culture by rewarding the authors and artists with a set of exclusive rights. In the 21st century, artists and authors depend on the commercial censorship of a handful of commercial publishing companies that keep most of the turnover. 98% of all authors get nothing but rejection letters, and 98% of the remaining 2% earn less than a minimum wage. The publishing industry is the antagonist in the life story of almost every creative author and artist. You dream of entering the New Joke Times bestseller list, but statistics confirm that 2.499 of every 2.500 manuscripts don't pay off. Fiction is a lie. Buying lottery tickets would be a much better investment."

Malik is truly hurt now: "Statistically, those numbers are for other writers. Not for me. I've dedicated most of my 58 years of life to writing, studying language, and getting better. My manuscript about Khalid El Bullít will be one of this year's best-selling books."

"So the choice between Poetry and Prose is economical? You pick what pays best? For money and honour, we sacrifice art and beauty? Is the answer to Big Question #4 «We choose what gives us the highest financial profit»? Fine, Malik. Write texts for commercials or slogans for happy-birthday cards; they give the highest income per word. What were your arguments on the Poetry-side of your scale?"

"I like to write poetry."

"So you give up what you like, to get something you don't need. You have a strange logic, Malik. Let me clarify this with the other metaphors. When you doubt between your wife and your lover, can't you teach your wife to make love to you as your lover does? When you doubt between political left and right, why don't you choose «forward»? Can't you win the match by playing attractive football? Will the world be a better place when only the white, the black or the coloured race survives? Or will it be better if stop fighting and start learning how to work together? When either male or female wins the battle of the sexes, will humanity survive one more generation? Sometimes, the best choice between Plan A and Plan B is... Plan C."

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