Three Eggs

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Jian Luo once imagined where he would give birth to a child, just like he had thought about how to divide the local products back to Dark Star, it was useless, because changes were always faster than planned, and he could only be forced to accept this. A **** life.

The feeling of the space portal is familiar again and again. After entering, the light inside is so strong that people unconsciously want to close their eyes and dare not look.

But one thing that is suffocating here is that the footholds are random, and they basically fall down. Jian Luo's stomach hurts so badly. You can only bend over to protect yourself.

"Jian Luo..."

Someone pulled him from behind, followed by a **** aura. Lu Shifeng stretched out his long arms and pulled Jian Luo into his arms to protect him. The light was so bright that Jian Luo couldn't see who the other party was. But he still shrank in Lu Shifeng's arms subconsciously, like a little chick who couldn't wait to hide in a safe haven.

Lu Shifeng embraced him in a protective manner, and the time of the teleportation channel was not long or short, almost after Jian Luo was ready - 'Bang!' and fell.

Fortunately, someone backed him, and he was not injured.

Jian Luo moved his body and looked down at his legs. It seemed that a little blood was dripping from his own legs.

For a moment.

Although he hadn't experienced it, he had a strong hunch that he was going to give birth.

Unexpectedly, the dragon cub was still a premature baby. Jian Luo sighed from the bottom of his heart. The cubs in his belly probably knew that they were going to come out. Not so much, he remembered that someone was teleported with him, and when Jian Luo looked back, he saw the person lying on the side.

With just one look, his eyes widened.

This person is Lu Shifeng, and it can be said that he is not. The one in front of him is the juvenile version of Lu Shifeng. He has dragon horns on his head. In a coma.

Jian Luo remembered that the queen told herself before that once the dragons were seriously injured, the automatic protection function of their bodies would make them return to their youth. This was a self-protection procedure. With emotion, I actually saw it with my own eyes at this moment, and I also felt it was amazing.

Jian Luo murmured, "No way..."

Looking back from Lu Shifeng's body, he finally had time to look at the place where he was. This place is definitely not the Earth, nor all the planets he has ever been to. The sky is orange, the trees in the forest are towering, and there are dinosaurs. Birds of great size circled past, looking completely weird. The only thing that comforted him was that there seemed to be a small thatched hut not far away, which should be on the edge of a village.

Jian Luo covered his stomach and reluctantly said, "Cub, you persevere, you persevere, it's not time for you to come out yet..."

Jian Luo endured the pain and stood up, he moved to Lu Shifeng's side, and firstly called out twice, "Lu Shifeng, Lu Shifeng?"

The man with his eyes closed didn't react much.

Jian Luo took a deep breath. Fortunately, the thatched hut was less than ten meters away from him. Even if it was towed, it should be able to drag people in. Otherwise, it is impossible to just throw people out. Here he lives. Unfamiliar, what if there is an accident?

Since he was pregnant with the dragon cub, he could feel that his body was subtly getting stronger. Before, he wouldn't be able to pull people even if he was able to pull people without illness or disaster. Move, there may be special circumstances now, or forced to go to Liangshan as a last resort, Jian Luo directly pulled the person into the room with a breath of air.

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