dragon cub found

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Jian Luo's stomach hurts badly.

His hand was clutching the sofa, and the veins on his wrist were about to burst out. He took time to breathe: "Guangnao, check it out for me, what's going on?"

The light brain responded quickly: "What happened to you now?"

Jian Luo covered her stomach and shrank: "Just... I may be pregnant. Find out why you suddenly have abdominal pain."

The work efficiency of the light brain has become faster. It searches the existing knowledge base and finally gets the best result: "Combining all your current situations, we come up with an optimal solution."

Jian Luo: "What?"

"Contact the child's father."


Jian Luo gritted his teeth. He was genuinely panicked. He had no experience, and he didn't know what the Sark Star's childbearing process was, nor did he take care of Xiaolong. He didn't even read Dark Star's parenting guide.

Thinking about it now, will it be because of eating the wrong thing?

Or where is the taboo?

Before, I just thought about whether to keep the child or not, but who knows, one day I will be afraid that the child will have a problem.

Guangnao said: "There are many reasons for your abdominal pain. It may be because of fetal gas, or because the cub's health has problems, or it is frightened. For specific problems, it is recommended that you contact a doctor for a detailed examination."

Jian Luo was helpless: "Okay."

Maybe if people were forced to a certain extent, there would not be so many worries. Jian Luo thought about it, and finally decided to find the contact information on the information terminal.

Lu Shifeng...

Lu Shifeng.

He had clearly contacted him before, but Jian Luo searched for a long time, and finally found the name of the Marshal in the row below.

He pressed the dial button.

The small communication light ball turned in mid-air, and Jian Luo sat up and wanted to change positions, but with such a rub, the sticker on his body was rubbed off.

Finally, the communication was picked up, and a man's low voice came from there: "Hello."

At the same time, Jian Luo no longer had pain, no soreness in his waist, no pain in his stomach, and his whole body was very good.

Lu Shifeng waited for a long time: "Is something wrong?"


Would you be very angry if I said it was all right now.

Jian Luo thought for a while, then hesitantly said, "It's not a big deal, I made a mistake, maybe..."

"Jian Luo!"

A voice came from the door outside: "I just heard a voice in your room, are you alright?"

Jian Luo said quickly, "It's fine."

Lu Shifeng on the other side of the call said, "Is something wrong?"

"No." Jian Luo explained to him again: "Nothing happened."


There was silence between the two.

Half an hour.

Lu Shifeng said, "Hang up."

Jian Luo gave a "uh", and responded, "Okay."

The phone hangs up here.

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