Rising tensions (rewritten)

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"AHEM, IF ALL OF YOU COULD PLEASE SHUT UP AND SIT WHERE YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO BE, MAYBE WE CAN GET ON WITH THIS MEETING FASTER!" UN shouted, his voice resonating through the grand conference room. The countries fell silent, their eyes widening at the uncharacteristic outburst from the usually composed figure before them. Normally, UN didn't get angry. Normally. This was an exception.

As the room settled into an uneasy quiet, ASEAN, seated nearby, broke the tension. "Hey, UN, you might as well calm down now," ASEAN said calmly, trying to diffuse the palpable frustration. UN glanced at ASEAN, appreciating the support, though knowing that the unusual anger remained hidden from those around him.

Taking a deep breath, UN attempted to collect himself, to regain control of the meeting that had spiraled into chaos. He strode to the head of the table, commanding attention with his mere presence. The countries shifted in their seats, suddenly aware of the weight of their fighting and arguments.

With measured poise, UN addressed the room once again, his voice now calmer but laced with an underlying intensity. "Fellow countries, we are here today to address critical matters that demand our utmost attention and cooperation. The challenges we face cannot be overcome if we allow our own arguments to overshadow the purpose of this assembly."

The countries exchanged glances. Slowly, they resettled into their assigned seats. UN scanned the room, his gaze firm yet filled with a trace of vulnerability. He knew the burden that rested upon his shoulders, the responsibility to bridge the gaps, and the urgent need to find common ground.

"As representatives of nations united in our pursuit of peace and progress, it is imperative that we rise above our differences and work together for the greater good," UN continued, his voice now infused with determination. "So. Can we please stop arguing the hell out of each others souls." He sighed.

The countries listened and nodded. The room, once filled with dramatic arguments, now hummed with a renewed sense of purpose. It was a reminder of the significance of the United Nations, an institution built on the ideals of unity and cooperation.
UN concluded his address with a hopeful tone. "Welp, thank you. Anyway, let us continue with the topic of Global Warming."

~ ~ ~ (timeskip)

UN sighed as he worked on the papers. He needed to finish his work fast, so he could be at home in time for his father and mother to come back for vacation from Switzerland. Suddenly, someone knocked on his office door. "Come in," UN said, exasperated. NATO came in.

"Oh, hi, NATO. Do you need anything?" UN asked, a bit surprised. "No, not really, but I need to use the printer and it's broken. So is the coffee machine." NATO replied, giving a slight smile. "Oh great heavens, so you're asking me to fix both." UN said, sighing, but still amused.

NATO nodded. "Or you can get new ones. The current ones are old and ALWAYS break." He suggested. UN thought about it. "Maybe. But I'm not paying for it. Because I'm the one who always fix's it." He finally said. "Fine, I'll get either ASEAN or EU." NATO muttered, crossing his arms. "Or you." UN added.

"Oh come on! Fine!" NATO sighed. UN smirked. "Well, I better get going." NATO said, leaving the office, and leaving UN in the quiet hum of his office. UN casually worked on the papers as time went by. Then he noticed that his work was done, and it was just in time.

"Phew, now I don't have to worry about being late." UN mumbled. He got up and packed his stuff, then left the building and walked back to his house. It was a nice day anyway; perfect for walking instead of driving. The sun was slowly beginning to set, too, so UN knew it was kind of late, judging that it was spring.

UN hurried home, and eventually reached it within thirty-five minutes. His parents -League of Nations and Red Cross- would be arriving soon. Probably an hour or so. Great heavens, is WHO already home yet? UN wondered. Then he heard muttering upstairs, which answered his question. "Hey, WHO! I'm back!" UN shouted.

"Uh, alright! When are mother and father coming back?" WHO asked. "An hour or so!" UN answered. He went upstairs and settled his things in his room, and changed into more comfortable clothes. "Well. Have you... prepared anything?" UN asked WHO. WHO shook her head. "Not yet. I was planning to make some food though." She said, gesturing to her laptop screen. It was an image of delicious-looking food, and UN thought it would be nice.

"Good. Well, if you need help, I'll just be in my room doing some paperwork." He said, leaving the room.

~ ~ ~

While UN did the paperwork, he heard the doorbell ring. He immediately got up from the table and dashed downstairs, opening the door as soon as he could get there. "Mother! Father! Welcome back!" UN greeted warmly. "Hello, son." League of Nations said, smiling. Red Cross stood beside him.

"Well, seems like WHO has prepared some food already?" Red Cross said, looking past UN's shoulder. "Indeed, mother. We were awaiting your arrival, and it can't happen without some welcoming food." UN grinned, gesturing for his parents to come inside and join them for dinner.

"UNESCO and UNICEF are coming too. They're just in the World Building for some stuff." League of Nations said, walking in and gazing around the house. "Hm. I see you have decorated the house more..?" He said. "Very nice." League added. UN beamed with pride; a compliment from his father was great. He was never usually around that much, mainly living in Switzerland. Red Cross was there with him, but the two of them often came to visit.

"Mother. Father. Take a seat. You've had a long trip on the airplane, I assume." WHO said, trying to hide her smile but failed. "Indeed we have. It's not always we fly on Alaska Airlines. Swissair was... busy." League responded. "You're just hiding the fact that the plane tickets were expensive." Red Cross teased.

"Oh, why must you tease me all the time?" League scoffed, but his eyes were filled with amusement. After they all finished eating, UN decided to go and finish his work.

Hello fellow readers! This chapter has been reworked, and thank you for re-reading!

Word count: 1077

Corrupted Future - Discontinued.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant