Ch. 1

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      The bell next to my bed rang loudly telling me it was time to get up. I promised myself I wouldn't sleep away this summer vacation and I wasn't going to stop two weeks in. I rolled out of bed and stretched. My muscles were tense from lifting wet and heavy laundry the night before. My dad can spend money on a car but not a working wash machine. I finally made it out of bed to start my day. It was forecasted to be a mellow seventy-five, so I was going to take the chance to go run some errands. Groceries needed to be bought and so did some gasoline. I also had a hankering for a Coca-Cola.

      After I finished cleaning up, I grabbed my things and headed out the door. It definitely was the forecasted temperature, but the humidity made the air thick like gravy. I trekked on to the station wagon my dad got for me. It was a bit of a clunker, but it was my baby. After a few tries she started up. I stopped at the end of the drive to check the mail. There was a bill or two and a post card from dad. I put the car in park to read it.

      "Mary," it read, I picked up a few extra loads just outside of California. I rolled my eyes." He was always doing more than he needed to. "I sent some extra money separately for anything you might need. Hopefully after the next few shipments come in I can come home for a few days. Look forward to seein ya. Love, Dad."

      I knew that was a lie. He loved being on the road more than being in one place for more than a day. I knew he loved me, but it was hard to feel it when he was across the country. I don't blame him for being gone. I would love to travel like that too.

      When I was done with my pity party, I threw the car back in drive and went to my first destination. The library. I needed to return my old book and get a new one. I decided on Catcher in the Rye. There wasn't a large selection, and I knew this was a safe option seeing as I read this twice before.

      After I was done with that, I ran to the grocery store to get whatever odds and ends I needed. I shuffled through the mail to find the envelope dad had mentioned and peeled it open. There were a few crumpled twenty-dollar bills in it, but all money spent the same. I grabbed what I thought I needed and went inside the store. I said hello to William and grabbed a basket.

      I picked up a few boxes of this and that before picking out some magazines to thumb through. I checked out and was making my way back to the car when I saw a tall boy smoking a cigarette near the entrance. I recognized him as Dallas Winston. I had seen him around town, and we've talked a few times. We even saw a movie or two together because we both showed up alone.

      "Hey Dally. How are you?" I greeted him with a smile. He flicked the butt down and smashed it with the toe of his boot.

      "Doin' alright doll. Where you headed?" I knew he was gonna ask for a ride. He always did.

      "I was about to head to the DX to get some gasoline. Wanna come with?" I knew the back fourth questions would bother him, so I laughed on the inside and waited for him to become impatient.

      "Sure thing." He opened the trunk of my car for me, and I thanked him. Then he hopped in the passenger seat and waited for me there. We sat in a comfortable silence as we headed down the road. I noticed a new cut on his lip but decided to not ask about it. He was a private person. Once arrived at the DX a boy around the same age as Dally came jogging out to greet Dally. I had seen him around once or twice when he was pumping gas or at a football game. His shirt read Sodapop. His hair was greased back, and a comb was stuck behind his ear.

      "Hiya Dally!" Dallas smirked at him and gave Sodapop a slap on the back in greeting. "Who's this pretty lady your rollin around with?" I stepped around the side of the car.

      "Soda this is Rosemary Mae." Dally stuck a toothpick in his mouth. "Why don't ya pump her some gas on me huh."

      "No Dallas you don't have to-" I tried to reason with him knowing he was broke as a joke.

      "Hush up sweetheart and let me do something for ya." He rolled his eyes. I shut my mouth but left it with small smile. Soda laughed a bit while he was pumping my gasoline for me. When he was done, I followed him inside with Dallas.

      "I think I'm gonna get a Coke." I told him while he as ringing up my bill. Dallas threw a five dollar bill on the counter before Soda could say what the total charge was. I felt bad so I knew next time we caught a movie I would be paying for the snacks and drinks.

      "Would you like for me to open that?" Soda asked me. I hooked the cap on the edge of the counter and popped the top off. Dallas smirked at me then Soda. "Never mind I guess." Soda leaned on the counter. "Do you have plans tonight?" He asked.

      "I do actually." I was gonna ask one of my best friends, Olive, to stay the night. "What did you have planned?"

      "A few buddies and my brothers were gonna go see a movie over at the drive in." His smile was absolutely blinding.

      "Maybe we'll be there." I thanked Dallas and went back outside to my car. When I got in I looked back to see Soda and Dallas standing in the window staring at me. I smiled at them and gave a little wave before heading home. As soon as I got in the door and went straight to the phone to call Olive. She picked up after a few rings and I asked her to come spend the night. She told me she would head right over then hung up. Easy peasy.


      It was nightfall and we ran out of things to do. We had already read all the magazines I had, listening to all the records, and had dinner.

      "I am bored out of my mind." Olive complained laying over the side of the bed. I remembered the invination I had gotten today.

      "We can go see a movie." I suggested. "Some people I met are going to be there tonight." Olive sprung up.

      "Why didn't you say so?!" She exclaimed. We started getting ready, taking our time since we probably already missed the beginning of the movie.

      "Should we dress up or stay comfortable?" I asked her.

      "Maybe we should do somethin' in the middle." She eyed herself in my vanity mirror. Were both in nightgowns so obviously that wasn't exeptable. We decided on some slacks and sweaters. It wasn't too chilly outside, but the wind was picking up something serious. After finishing putting our hair up as not to tangle, we grabbed our purses and headed out.

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