Start from the beginning

"what are we supposed to say" ian asks

"i don't know just play it cool." lip shrugs

"play what cool" ian turns to look at his brother

"things people play cool. jesus ian" lips cellphone rings as soon as he finishes talking

"since when do you have you own cell phone" molly asks

"since some kid left theirs it in the cafeteria" he says walking away to take it

"five bucks it's karen" she challenges ian

"your on" he chuckles shaking her hand. they make stupid bets with each other all the time

lip finally walks back over.

"sooo who was it?" molly asks him

"just karen" he replies

"hah pay up bitch" molly laughs sticking out her hand to ian. he rolls his eyes and then hands her five bucks.

"easy money. easy money" she chuckles putting it in her pocket.

about 20 minutes later they somehow managed to get a water heater and were bringing it back to the house it a shopping cart.

"hey, hey!" fiona shouts at them through a car window

"hey. almost new" lip tells her

"debbie and gabby stole a baby. we have to figure out how to return it" fiona explains

"they stole a baby?" lip asks

"wait gabby also stole the baby" molly questions

"yeah" steve says


"it's debbie and gabby. they do whatever they want when they're together" fiona sighs

"did not see that coming. um... can't we just give it back?" lip wonders

"i wish we could. it's to late now" steve chimes in


"find carl and get home now" fiona tells them before she drives off

"i still wanna know why the fuck they stole a baby" mollys says

"you and me both" lip sighs


back at the house everyone was trying their best to figure out what to do "we need to get your story straight for the police" fiona starts "why did you take the boy?"

"he was crying for his mom and his mom wasn't around" debbie states

"did you try to find his mom" fiona asks

"no, he was crying and nobody cared so we just  took him" gabby answers

"you can't say that!" molly sighs as she glares at her sister

"what's wrong with you girls?" fiona adds

"fi" steve says trying to calm her down

"debs, gabs, was he inside or outside of the yard when you grabbed him?" lip calmy asks


"okay, so how did you get him out"

"i waved a snickers bar at him since gabby had one on her" debbie explains

"holy fuck" molly whispers leaning back in her chair

"hey, it's fine we'll figure out a way to make this all go away" lip tells her.

"did anybody see you?" ian asks

"i don't think so" debbie says

"we kinda just ran" gabby adds

"that wasn't suspicious" fiona sarcastically points out

"so you were running down the street" ian starts. debbie cuts him off "we used a stroller"

"what stroller?" fiona questions

"liams old one" debbie replies

"the one i told you to throw out?" fiona raises her voice a little

"gabby and i fixed it." debbie says proudly

"for emergencies," gabby says

everyone jumps when someone suddenly pounds on the door."open up! hurry!" veronica yells. everyone sighs in relief

"thank god it's not the police" molly sighs

"shit" lip gets up and opens the door

"what the hell is going on?" veronica asks walking in with kevin "is this that missing kid?" kev holds up a basket with a kid in it

"debbie and gabby stole him" fiona tells them "now we have to figure out how to give him back without getting them in juvie"

"why the world would they steal a-" vee starts but gets cut off by fiona "hmm"

"there must be a couple hundred cops out there" kev points out

"i know. i'm so sorry." fiona apologizes "girls can you watch him for a second" she motions to casey the kid

everyone else walks into the living room

"i'm not sure whats going on with debbie. i mean i bet she just asked gabby to help her" fiona says

"well maybe it's because your mom bailed and franks a big drunk. plus gabbys dad is also a big drunk and her mom's never home. sorry molly" kev replies. vee gives him a look "what, i'm the asswhole now? they stole a baby,"

"alright look they obviously planned it. i mean they took a stroller out of the garbage and they fixed it" lip points out

"hey debbie and gabby are still little kids. worst thing that happens is they get help" steve says

"help?" lip questions

"are you serious?" molly fumes

"what kind of help" ian asks

"they stole a baby," steve replies

"they aren't crazy" fiona retorts "they just sort of accidently stole a kid"

"alright not if they lured him with a candy bar" steve argues

"what are you suggesting?" fiona asks rudly knowing where this was going

"some professional to-" steve quickly gets cut off by lip "a shrink?"

molly was getting pissed a steve by this point.

"gallaghers and thropes do not do therapy," fiona states

"thank you. no matter how fucked up we are," molly agrees

they then hear the police talking about casey outside

"look we need a plan to get that boy back to his family. family services is gonna have a field day" fiona tells them

"family services?" steve questions

"if they find out frank's moved, they'll take the kids, split them up" fioan explains "remember what happened last time?"

"shit" lip breaths out


now that fiona pointed that out it was time to get to work.

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