There goes the neighborhood

Comenzar desde el principio

     The room was roughly 200 square feet, 20 by 10, with the entrance in a corner on one of the longer walls. Entering from the hallway along the bridge deck, you would see an observation window equipped with blast doors in case of an attack spanning nearly two-thirds of the entire wall in the center, a door to the left opened to a comm suite and private study, where he could review reports and receive messages. Next to the door was a glass panel that served as a noticeboard. If he wasn't in his study, he would be alerted to messages or other vital information.

     Turning to the right revealed the dining table and wall freezer, with seating for four, built off of and in the wall. The bed was in the far right wall, with space to fit three armored spartans fours. The Texas king was partly embedded in the wall about four feet off the ground, with shelves lining the outside of the bed in its cove. The bed alone covered almost the entire wall except for the last four feet on the right. Soft lighting around the bed and a control panel on either side for light, temperature, humidity, and even background noise adjustment while lying down. 

     Thomas found that the Warzone setting was probably out of place and even strange, but he figured people would eventually get used to falling asleep to the sounds of mortars and assault rifles. Off to the right of the bed in the corner was a door to the bathroom, with a full-size bathtub and shower and a mirror lining the wall behind the bed. The toilet was directly in front of the door, for when you had to go quickly, and the shower was built into the far left corner, with the tub sitting in between. 

     All of this was far more comfortable than the Spartan was used to, and he had his touches added already. A deployable weapon station sat directly to the right of the door, next to the table, in case of any boarding actions. He had already moved several tools for removing his armor into the storage space beneath the dining table. He also put in a request for an armor station to be fit into the bathroom, but that had been denied for lack of space. But, he was given a toolkit for manual removal. It would take time, but he could take his armor off and put it on alone.

    Admiral Rael'Zorah had contacted Thomas through Tali's Slipspace Comm terminal, letting him know that the Flotilla was in the Minos Wasteland, Near the Volus System of Uba. He had almost missed the message when he got up from his assigned resting period. Zayn had only managed to get him to sleep for two hours before the spartan got up again when he saw the terminal in his quarters light up. Marching across the room, he brought up the messages section and found that Tali had returned to the Flotilla with her father. They, along with another Quarian named Ysin'Mal vas Idenna, were trying to find ways to keep their people from going extinct and that soon, their ships would no longer be able to sustain their people.

      This explained their interest in the air systems on board the Eternity and her advanced medical facilities, which led to the good doctors and their findings on the multitude of different intelligent species found on the Citadel. The turians and krogan were interesting cases but not as interesting as the Quarians. Their decision to live fleet-based lives has subjected their immune systems to a level of degradation so severe that mild infections can turn lethal if not treated immediately. 

     Already, several ideas have been put forward by the medical teams onboard the Eternity to fix the issue. Thomas had decided the team for meeting with the quarian people would include himself, Two doctors from Eternity's medical team who assisted in the treatment of the wounded quarians during the attack on the Citadel, supply Seargent M. Forge, who will be in charge of a weapons demonstration, and a member of the repair staff who could recommend some upgrades to their systems in need. The medical team was mostly there to recommend long-term reconditioning plans for their immune systems to bolster them and prepare them to either return to their own home planet one day or another planet they can colonize.

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