You're My Burnout, Baby

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It was the day after I came back home. We were all in the basement. I was sat in the lawn chair on the left of the couch. Fez was sitting in the floor, Kelso next to Donna and Eric on the other side of her. Steven was where he always sat. The only people who knew about Steven and I being together, was Steven and I, and we planned on keeping it that way for a while.

"So what did you guys tell people?" I asked them. "Well, we were going to tell everyone at school that you got excepted into a school for really smart people, but Kelso had to open his mouth." Donna said as she punched him in the arm.

"Kelso, what did you do?" I asked him. "Well, the teacher asked us where you were, Hyde said he didn't know so I told her you ran away." He explained. I got up and punched him in the arm.

"What did people say?" I asked. "Not a whole lot, I put them in their place. And it's summer now so they shouldn't really be a problem." Hyde said. I nodded. "So what did I miss?" I asked them.

"A lot. Jackie and I are back together!" Kelso said. "Good for you Kelso. Anything else?" I asked. "My parents are separating." Donna said. "Damn, I'm sorry." I told her. She nodded. "You also missed Donna and I getting together." Eric said.

"WHAT!" I said looking at the both of them. "Donna, you gotta tell me everything sometime." I said, she laughed and told me she would. "What else did I miss?" I asked. "Well Hyde moved in." Eric said. "Yeah, I already knew that." I said. "How?" Fez asked. "I ran into him when I was putting my stuff in my room." I said.

Kelso then started laughing. "Hey guys, do remember that one time we went into Janie's room a-" and started to reminisce towards Hyde and Fez, but Hyde got up and punched him in the arm. "Owe! Y'know what, I'm outta here, I gotta go see Jackie anyway." He said as he got up and left.

"What did you three do in my room 'that one time.'" I asked towards Steven and Fez. "N-nothing!" Fez said as he got up and ran out of the basement door. "C'mon Steven, tell me." I said.

He shook his head. "Fine, then we're not hanging out tonight." I said crossing my arms. He shook his head. "I hate you." He told me. "No you don't." I said. He sighed. "I know."

"Now tell me what you, Kelso, and Fez did." I asked. "What if they did something gross?" Donna said. I looked at her. "Would you be surprised?" I asked. "Y'know what, continue." She said.

"Alright, it was last year during the summer when you had spent the night at Donna's. Kelso decided we were gunna climb up the house to your window and go through your underwear and stuff." He said.

"Ewe man." Eric said

"STEVEN!" I said. "Hey, it wasn't my idea, it was Kelso's." He said. "Yeah, but you still went along with it. I will admit that that's not as bad as what I thought you did." I said.

"Janie, what did you think they did?" Donna asked. "I rather not, I don't what him getting ideas." I said, glaring at Hyde. "I'm gunna go, Eric, you coming?" She asked. He nodded and they left. When the coast was clear, Hyde and I both got up and walked to the couch, sitting down next to each other.

He tried kissing me, but I moved my head. "Oh, come on Janie, it was awhile ago." He said. I looked at him. "Yeah, but you still did it." I said. "Look I'm sorry, okay?" He apologized. "Fine. Anyway, are you still teaching me how to be a burnout?" I asked.

He nodded. "You're half way there, babe." He said like he was proud of both himself and me. "How?" I asked him. He put an arm around me. There's a list. "You get high a lot, check. You smoke cigarettes, check. You like cool music, check. You ran away, check, you don't believe in the government, check, and you're dating me." He said.

"So, I am a burnout?" I asked. He smiled and kissed me, "You're my burnout, baby." He said as he kissed me again. I laughed and got up, "C'mon." I told him. "What are we doing?" He asked. "You still want to hang out tonight right?" I asked him.

He nodded and we left. There wasn't a lot of places to go, it was Point Place. Our options were the water tower, The Hub, the basement, or Hump Mountain. I had Steven drive the Vista Cruiser. It was my turn to use it.

Steven and I went to the water tower. "Y'know, this is where I came after school when the rumors started. This is where I decided that I would leave Point Place." I told Hyde as I lit a cigarette. "Can I tell you something?" Steven said.

I nodded. "Y'know the day we got kicked from class and went to The Hub?" He asked. I nodded. "Yeah, that's when we started calling each other our first names." I told him. He nodded. "Yeah, so, I guess you could say that was the day that I realized I sort of have feelings for you man." He said.

"You really gotta stop with talking about your feelings Steven, you're starting to turn into a softie." I joked. He took the cigarette from me. "I am not a softie, alright, I just, you should know." He said. I laughed.

"Remember when we first met?" I asked him. He laughed. "Yeah, Forman just kind of brought me to your house one day and then it became a regular thing man, Kitty told Forman he couldn't have friends over unless we included you." He said. I nodded. "Did you think this is where we would of ended up all that time ago?" I asked.

"I have no idea, but I'm glad we did." He said. So am I." He kissed me again. "Look at us, a couple of burnouts." I said chuckling. "Yeah." He said as he kissed me. "Are we going to tell our friends or Eric? I mean I wasn't planning to, I just want to know." I asked him.

He shrugged. "I like sneaking around, it makes things more fun." I smiled and I laughed. "You know how you said that I was your burnout?" I questioned. He nodded. "Well Steven, I think you just might be my burnout, baby." I said. He laughed.

"I hate you!" He said with a smile. "No you don't! Couldn't even if you tried, Steven!"
I laughed. "I know." He said with a smile and he kissed me. We spent quite sometime at the water tower. I'm glad this is how the summer was starting.

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