part 6

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I woke up on my bed frank hugging my legs Mikey infront of me using my arm as a pillow and Gerard behind me with his arms around my waist. Wait... where's Ray!? I look around my room alittle and saw ray sleeping peacefully on my sofa.

I shift alittle trying to get the three boys off me

"5 more minutes mom..." Mikey mumbled squeezing my arm

"Mikey thats my sister not your mom." Frank mutters still hugging my legs

"Gerard get off please?" I plead. nothing. Why won't he move, is he like dead asleep?

"You'll be there for a few hours Gerard never gets up when he gets told to he sleeps till he wants to get up." Ray chuckles lightly while stretching

"I can't move my body.." I mumble trying to move

"Please keep still we're sleeping." Frank mutters

I scoff and reply "yeah sleeping on me!"

"Deal with it." My brother sasses back

"Hey im the only sas queen here thank you." Gerard says suddenly waking up

"Finally Gerard please get off me!" I plead


"Asshole..." I mumble quietly

"Hey language y/n." Ray says trying to get frank off my legs

"Get off me Rayyy!" Frank whines

"Get off y/n then." Ray replied

"Ugh fine." He gives in and goes to his own room

"Mikey there's books in the living room you know?" Ray says snickering Mikey immediately jolted down the stairs "you deal with Gerard I dealt with frank and mikey." Ray laughs

"Hey no plea-" he's already gone. "Gee can you let go? I need to get ready." I ask

"Not a chance."

"Gerard we're gonna be late for school."

"We can skip."

"Gerard Way get off me now."



"No." He says sternly I whine and try to wriggle out of his arms "stop now."

"Gee please."

"Okayyy.." he whines before letting go

I get up and look at the uniform my mum got me a skirt? Fuck it's short "mum!?" I yell

"She's at work!" My brother yells

"Frankie my skirts to short!"

"How short!?"

"It barely goes half way don't my thighs that's it!"

"It's okay you'll be fine y/n!!"

-after getting ready-

I then heard a knock at the door "who is it?" I say quietly

"Gerard.." I hear Gerard whisper

"Come in."

"Hey Y/n.."

"What's up?"

"I have no pants to wear to school.. do you have anything I can borrow?" I smirked and passed him a skirt "uhm I'm not wearing this to school sugar."

"Go in your underwear then." He rolled his eyes before going into the bathroom.

I went down stairs and ate some grapes then sat next to Mikey and ray on the sofa and talked about what we're gonna do in our classes today, then after about ten minutes Gerard comes down in his shirt, tie, blazer and my skirt I looked at him and held my laughs in "guys can we go to Starbucks now?"

Ray turns to him "yeah s-" he busts out with laughter"what the fuck!?"

I laugh with him and frank walks out of the kitchen and snacks Gerards ass casually

"What the fuck..." I say trying not to cry of laughter

"Nice ass gee-bear." Frank says winking at Gerard

"Not as nice as yours Frankie." Gerard says winking back smirking

"Frank you told me you weren't gay?" I say confused

"I'm not?"

"Then why-"

"It's normal for them n/n get used to it." Mikey says snickering

"Okay then."I say shrugging

"Starbucks!" Gerard says jumping up and down like a kid

"Yes!" Mikeys says smiling

"Coffeeeeee!" I squeal getting excited

"Calm down, let's go." Ray says rolling his eyes

-at school (everyone has drank their coffee)-

I look at Gerard talking to Mikey and frank I couldn't help but giggle lightly. I turn to my locker to put my books away when someone pinches my ass "Gerard can you st-" i turn around and see Chris the biggest asshole jock dude he disgusts me

"Hey there sweetheart, nice cheeks." The asshole says

"Run now while you can." I say plainly

"Why-" before he can finish his sentence I punched him in the face, he trys to hit me back but before he could a bat was smashed against the back of his head I look towards where the bat came from and saw gerard. Thank god.

"That's why bitch." Gerard said with venom lacing in his words before kicking Chris in the nuts "are you okay y/n?"

"Yeah I'm fine he just pinched my ass without permission." I shrugged

"You don't punch me when I touch your ass?" He says smugly

"Don't flatter yourself." I say patting his head and walking away

"Wait y/n!" Gerard calls

"What?" I shout back

He runs up to me and smacks my ass smirking "text me in science sugar."

"Gee what are you doing over there!?" I hear my brother shout

"Nothing I'm just making sure y/n is alright!" He shouts back

"Bye pervert." I say before trying to walk away

"You gotta give me a better name than that." Gerard says gripping my waist from behind

"My pervert?" I say smirking

"Perfect. bye sugar." Gerard purrs in my ear

I'm starting to like Gerard which isn't really a good thing since my brother hates when I'm near a boy especially if it's his best friend.. well not if his doesn't find out.


Heyy killjoys

sorry I haven't been writing as much schools been a pain in the ass

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