Prologue 2: Gathering of family, friends... and fools.

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Freya: ...see you soon.

Heimdall: well we all know that's not true. *chuckles* but don't worry Frigg! I'll be coming for you and your brother as soon as I'm finished here.

Blackjack: believe what you believe, Heimdall. Have fun Kratos.

Heimdall: *chuckles* oh I'm coming for you too once I'm done here.

Blackjack: whatever you say.

He moves up to the trees for a better view of this fight.

(Credits this video to Shirrako)

Heimdall: now, watcha got?

The battle is in the video above.

As kratos and Heimdall's battle rages on, Freya had arrived to save her brother and the others, only to see Freyr and the others okay while cleaning up some dead corpses of Einherjar and beasts. What's going on?

Freya: Yngvi!

Freyr: Nað!

They both hugged each other in joy and took only few minutes before they separated themselves from the hug.

Freya: what happened here?

Freyr: um, well— we... well your not gonna believe me.

Freya: *raise eyebrow* go on.

Freyr: weeell...

Few minutes ago

Freyr and his warriors are surrounded by the Einherjar, outnumbered and exhausted.

Hildisvinni: their numbers are endless.

Freyr: well thanks for that captain obvious.

Beyla: we will never survive in few minutes if we keep this up.

Freyr: guys, I think I have a plan, but your not gonna like it.

Hildisvinni: what is it?

Freyr: I am going to distract them while you guys run.

Hildisvinni: what!?

Birgir: we are not leaving you!

Freyr: just go!

Blackjack: I'm going to stop you right there, Freyr.

He appears behind Freyr who's caught by surprise that someone was behind.

Freyr: GAH! you scared the shit out of me!

Blackjack: my apologies.

Hildisvinni: who are you?

Blackjack: a friend to Kratos. Now let me handle this.

Freyr: wait a minute you can't handle this many!

Blackjack: I can, now step aside.

He brings out his sword and it glows in bright red aura.

Freyr: [what is this? That power.]

Blackjack: come at me.

Present time

Freyr: and then he began to slaughter them all like they are just flies to him.

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