1. Something Strange happens

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f/f=favrite food

f/c=favrite color

e/c=eye color


I was woken up by the alarm that Ava puts so she can wake up and get ready for an interview. I got off the bed and changed out of my pajama and wore a jean, a shirt, and an f/c jacket. I went to the kitchen and cooked for myself and Ava. I and I cooked f/f for me and pancakes for Ava. I started eating because Ava loves to sleep and wouldn't want to wake up early as I do. After a lot of alarm clocks had gone by Johnny Ava's cat went into her room to wake her up. I went to sit on the couch and relaxed in the meantime.

Ava's P.o.v

I got woken by one of my alarms and I saw Johnny on my bed and meowed when my eyes opened

"Cute but not today"

Johnny got so angry, he made an angry meow sound and left the bed. When the last alarm went off Ava woke up by the sound of Johnny scratching her curtains.

"Huh, What the heck are you freaking jerk cat"

Johnny just meowed in response. I went to the same place Johnny was but I fell down the bed as I was there

"Uhgggg I hate you cat, freaking ugg, you're so stupid but I love you"

I heard outside my room Y/n giggling a little.

"Y/N why didn't you help me" I yelled 

Then I heard my phone ringing I got off the floor and went to the grab my phone 

"Hello" *Muffled noise*"Ohh it's you Lorelai" sounding not surprised.

Y/n P.o.v

I saw Ava come out of her room to look out the window talking with Lorelai on the phone but I didn't pay attention, so I got up and went to the kitchen and got Ava's plate, and placed it on the table. When Ava was finished talking Ava remembered that she had an interview today she ran into her room and got changed when she came out I point to the plate and she knew that was for her so she sat down and started eating.

"Ava remember that today you have to take the trash out.

"Yes I know but-"she was interrupted by her cat. She saw that Johnny had a bowl in front of her and meowed.

"Oh Johnny I am sorry but we ran out of yum's same as Ava ran out of her cereal, "I said looking at her 

"But don't worry there is a grocery store near my interview." sounding proud

Johnny meowed hungrily 

Time Passed

"Here you could eat this" as Ava placed a pizza slice on Johnny's blow "

"You are gonna give your cat a pizza slice," I say giggling at the same time.

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