t h i r t y - t h r e e

Start from the beginning

Then it was time to wake Peach up which proved harder than it should've been.

"Peach," I sighed. "You have to get up."

Sitting next to her on the bed, she rolled way from me, landing on her belly, burying herself deeper into the bed if that was possible. Her hair was in disarray, the coily strands standing on their own, having escaped from the low puffy ponytail she'd made.

"What time is it?" she forced out in a groggy tone.

"7:30 a.m," I answered simply and a long groan made its way out of her body.

"Why? It's so early," she complained. "A few more minutes. Or hours."

"There might be a snowstorm later today and tomorrow. I think it's best we get stuck at my mansion than here."

"What's so wrong with my house?" she asked under the blankets.

"Mrs. C might come for another visit," I stated and that is what got Peach rolling over and sitting up. Her hair was a mess and she rubbed at her eyes to get all the sleep out.

"I'm up," she mumbled making me smile.

I patted her leg over the sheets that covered them. "Good girl," I whispered. "Now go take a shower. I'll be downstairs."

Peach and I parted ways as she went down a room I hadn't been in yet. Probably the master bedroom. I decided that was the one place I would never venture to. I went downstairs and Put on a kettle and gathered a few ingredients to make some ginger tea. There wasn't any coffee in the house sadly but something warm would suffice. There were a few salty crackers in the cabinet so I put them in a bowl.

By the time tea was done, Peach walked into the kitchen, pulling her hair into a puff at the top of her head. She wore a large bohemian floral print shirt tucked into a set of washed out blue jeans. When she made the mass of curls on her head neat, she walked over to me and I handed her a warm mug.

"Tea?" she asked and sniffed the steam that billowed from it.

"And crackers," I added helpfully, holding out the bowl to her. She shook her head and decided to nurse the warm cup in her hands, leaning her hip against the counter, just as I had done.

"Are we walking?" she asked instead, shifting her feet like she was bracing for an answer.

"No," I assured her. "Someone's going to pick us up from down the street in a few."

Peach frowned. "Why am I awake then? Twenty minutes couldn't have hurt." She did seem genuinely angry about the fact that she didn't get to sleep in.

"We have to be there hours before they do. Just incase," I stated.

"You don't trust them?"

"I don't trust anyone but you at the moment," I revealed.

"Doesn't that make me feel special," she joked.

"It should. My trust isn't something everyone earns."

"Except for the hacker you've been on the run with for months now. Good to know I have to keep you away from people like me in the future."

I shook my head with a smile. "Don't worry. There's only going to be you."

A small smile made its way on Peach's lips and she tried to hide it behind her mug. Satisfaction filled me looking at the simple action and the silence that lapsed between us was comfortable.

"How are you feeling?" I asked softly, looking into her eyes, noticing they were clear, not liek she'd bawled her eyes out the night before.

"Like you said," she sighed. "We'll make it through this."

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