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'So it started two years ago' y/n began, as Leah grabbed her hand and began to rub it up and down with her thumb. Such a simple action seemed to make all of y/n's worries disappear and she began telling Leah everything she never imagined she would feel comfortable to tell anyone.

'I met this girl, through some old friends of mine, she went to my old school and we met just before uni, she was my first serious relationship with a girl, or a boy really. I'd had boyfriends when I was like 16/17 but never anything serious because I just always knew that I was gay, I just dated them to fit in you know' as y/n spoke a single tear began to roll down her cheek as she relived her past with relationships and the fear that being this vulnerable with Leah would eventually drive her away. However her fear was completely dissolved once Leah pulled her into her body and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead.

'Only tell me what you're comfortable with gorgeous, I don't want to see you upset' Leah spoke so delicately, every word calming y/n to continue.

'I want to tell you everything Le, I don't want to hide anything from you, never' y/n finished off by placing a kiss on Leah's cheek before continuing. 'So when I met this girl, it just seemed perfect because I really liked her and she seemed to really like me, we dated for a year in total, which I know isn't long but it was very intense. The first like 4 months were pretty good, we would speak all the time and see each other when we could cause it was kind of a long distance relationship, but she was putting as much effort into me as I was with her so I was happy' y/n then took a massive pause as her voice began to crack. 'But then she came to see me one time and suggested, since of the long distance and us not being able to see each other much that we should become open, I didn't want to lose her so I just agreed, stupidly and thought that we would continue as we were but just sometimes sleep with other people. In the beginning it wasn't too bad, communication was good, so if I wasn't comfortable with something she wouldn't do it but eventually all the communication stopped and she would basically just ring to tell me who she had fucked the night before but tell me she loved me, which she thought made it all okay' as y/n spoke Leah grabbed onto her tighter, making sure she felt as safe as possible.

'I'm so sorry y/n/n, no one deserves that, especially not someone like you, someone who puts everyone first, I imagine you still continued to treat her like a princess aswell' 

'Yeah, I did, I text her every day, checking she was okay, telling her I loved her, morning and night and all I got in return was just dead replies, and when she would come see me or I would go see her, she would make comments that she wasn't in the mood to cuddle or do anything and when I would say how it made me feel shit cause she would do stuff with other people and not me, she seemed to make it my issue. Stupidly I didn't break up with her, as much as Beth and my other best mate told me too, I just loved her and thought one day it would go back to how it used to be, but it just didn't. I began to lash out and get with other people just to not seem as pathetic as I was in reality, but when I did she would get angry with me and argue with me, and it seemed like it was one rule for her and the other for me, I know it sounds stupid and pathetic and that I should have just broken up with her, but she was the first person I loved you know and I just felt trapped.' y/n was now in a full stream of tears, barely being able to get the words out as she remembers all the pain she went through. 

'You don't, okay baby. Hey look at me, look at me y/n. You don't sound stupid or pathetic, none of it was your fault, you gave her everything and she didn't appreciate it, it makes her the twat and the one to look pathetic, not you' Leah forced y/n's face up to look her directly in her eyes as she spoke, making sure y/n took in every word that she was saying. 

'Thank you Le, I feel so comfortable talking to you, and I feel safer with you than I ever did with her, I just don't want you to think I am some sort of cheating scum bag after what Beth said, because I'm not and have never been, when I'm with a girl, they are my everything and I know it's soon but its the truth so I am just going to say it, you are slowly becoming my everything' y/n wiped her tears away and continued staring into Leah's bright blue eyes, that seemed to make all the pain that little bit easier. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 13, 2023 ⏰

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