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The three girls entered the room and appeared to be some of the last to arrive, yet they weren't too late as the film wasn't playing and chatter from all the girls was still echoing throughout the room. Kiera had saved a seat for her bestie and made sure there was enough room for y/n and Beth to sit with her as she knew how chaotic team movie night could get. 

As y/n looked around the room, no one really payed significant attention to their arrival, but there was one face that stood out from the crowd,  the one face she did not want to see and the one face she luckily hadn't seen since the night previous.

 Beth fucking England.

Y/n quickly shifted her eyes off of the girl before she made any sort of eye contact and quickly rushed over to the seat that Leah and Beth had now made their way over too. 

'Bit of a tight squeeze sorry guys, but I'm sure you won't mind sharing a bean bag with y/n now will you Le?' Kiera sarcastically said as she nudged her best friend in the side. 'Oh and I see you're still wearing that jumper y/n/n, no time to unpack then?' she added on, causing both Leah and y/n to turn bright red and just giggle at Kiera's comments. 

As the film began, they had all the lights dimmed so the only source of light for the girls to see one another was the projector and the screen, this caused Leah to feel comfort in being able to grab y/n's hand and squeeze it, making it her way of saying 'I really wish I could be cuddling you right now', y/n simply replied to the gesture by squeezing Leah's hand tightly too and placing her head onto Leah's shoulder. 

Little did the two girls know, Beth Englands eyes were currently burning into the back of both of their heads, she was steaming with jealously and as far as she was aware y/n and Leah were only friends so imagine the rage she would feel if she knew the truth. 

As the film played on Leah relaxed her body, deeper and deeper into y/n's arms, too overwhelmed by the comfort of it all to care if anyone was looking and even if they were, nothing could ruin how perfect it felt to be that close to y/n in that moment. The two girls spent the whole film whispering sweet nothings into one another ears, both teasing each other in how they couldn't let go of one another. 

'You're already addicted to me gorgeous' y/n spoke as she had her arms draped over Leah as she cuddled into her now. 

'I'm neither going to accept or deny that statement' Leah said back with a smug grin on her face.

'It's written all over your face, bet all you want to do is kiss me right now isn't it?' y/n whispered into Leah's ear so only she could hear, causing Leah's cheeks to turn a very familiar shade of red. 

'Ummm well that's not fair, just wait till I have you in private, then we'll see who's face its written all over' Leah responded, causing y/n's face to go red and her throat to completely choke up so no words were able to escape.

She simply responded by placing a small kiss on Leah's shoulder and pulling her in tighter to her. They stayed in that position for the rest of the film, y/n slowly drifting off to sleep as the credits began to roll. 

Once the film was over all the girls remained seated but the lights were turned on once more and the chatter resumed. Everyone too engrossed in their own conversations to notice y/n and Leah but their close friends being very much aware of the closeness of the two but out of respect not wanting to draw unwanted attention onto it. That unwanted attention being a certain blonde chelsea player. 

Y/n was then awoken from her doze by a familiar loving voice who had now taken Meado's seat and began talking with Leah... Amanda.

'Hello darling, guessing the date went well then' Amanda asked her daughter, just quiet enough that the two girls were the only ones to hear it. 

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