(Y/N): "Of course it didn't work. It's a god damn spartan laser gun!"

(Even though I have the Spartan laser gun and the Railgun as their MAC Cannons, I'm making it where they're not as effective in rigging form)

They escape as the Covenant ship starts its glassing

Lat 'Ravamee: "What are you doing? I specifically said no glassing. Everyone pull back now!"

They return to the scene

Nev: "What do we do?"

(Y/N): "Pull an O.N.I. move. Cover the whole thing up." You said, looking at the damage. "But, there's one problem with that."

Nev: "What's that?"

(Y/N): "If I know the Covenant and I do, they'll be glassing the hell out of this planet."

Nev: "The comms are surprisingly quiet."

(Y/N): "....Nice weather we're having."

Nev: "You disabled it, didn't you."

(Y/N): "In my defense, Yapyap uses it to advise his overpriced items."

Nev: "Let's just head back."

(Y/N): "I'm in charge here... but yeah, let's head back."


T.Sergeant: "Can't believe believe I'm saying this, but help the Covenant."

T.Marines: "Yes sir!.....Wait, what?"

They run towards the Flood and Covenant, guns blazing

After a good 5 minutes, the Covenant numbers had lessened, and the Flood kept multiplying


T.Sergeant: "Damn out of ammo." He throws a grenade. (R): "We need reinforcements ASAP!"
T.Sergeant (R): "We need reinforcements ASAP!"

Gungnir: "Heh Hehehehahaha."

Security: "Sir?"

Gungnir (R): "Tau Company, we're going to give you all the help you need."

Mark V: "I still can't believe we successfully took this ship."


Gungnir: "Get a phantom, I'm not waiting." 'I've wanted to operate a covenant cruiser for years.'

A phantom flew out of the ship

JFO (R): "The LZ's too hot, relocating."

Gungnir (R): "Damn it. Tau Company run as fast as you possibly can."

The ship began opening up and glowing

Gungnir (R): "Commencing glassing. T minus two seconds."

The spartan turns to one of his teammates

Gungnir: "Do we do a circle or straight line?"

Mark VI: ".....Zigzag."

Gungnir: "That was a stupid idea, and you said it with so much confidence....We're doing that."

Savannah (R): "(Y/N)!!!!"

(Y/N): 'This is another reason why I turn it off.' (R)"What?"

Savannah: "You're not going to believe it!"

(Y/N) (R): "What? What's with the pause?"

Savannah (R): "My friends are here!"

(Y/N) (R): "You have friends?"

Savannah (R): "Yes, I do. Now that you've ruined it, the friends are Saratoga and Grafton."

(Y/N) (R): "Oh."

Savannah (R): "You could have been a little more enthusiastic."

(Y/N) (R): "Aaaaand bye bye now."

(Y/N): "Hey George?"

George: "Yes, Admiral?"

(Y/N): "Do you think we could exploit the Sirens and make them make us a bunch of ships?"

Nev: "I heard Siren. What are you wanting?"

(Y/N): "Nev, just the Siren I was looking for."

Nev: "What about the others?"

(Y/N): "I didn't think they were still here.....are they still here?"

George: "I don't know, they aren't important."

Nev: "Backtracking, what do you want?"

(Y/N): "Could you put in a request for mass-produced ships? Preferably frigates."

Nev: "How soon do you need them?"

(Y/N): "The Azur Lane and Red Axis war is coming to an end, but the human and Covenant war is far from over."

George: "Actually-"

(Y/N): "Shut it."
JFO (R) : "Sir, Tau Company is gone. They were caught in the glassing."

Gungnir (R): "Understood. Get back here."

After the spartan returned to the ship, they made their way to the containment facility

Gungnir: "I'll go this time."

JFO (R): "Sir, there are pelicans down there."

Gungnir: "Let's go."

The two spartans head down to the containment facility, hoping to catch up to the marines

Upon reaching the LZ, the pelican looked like they had crashed rather than landed

The JFO spartan walked up to one of the pelicans, about to pry open the hatch

Gungnir: "Don't. Look at your motion tracker."

JFO: "Oh.....yeah, no thank you. There doesn't seem to be any damage indicating them forcing their way in. How do you think it happened?"

Gungnir: "Spores."

JFO: "Right... forgot about those."

Gungnir: "Let's head inside."

As they entered the facility, Flood were coming out of the woodwork

[March 9, 2023]

(1043 Words)

The story is going extremely downhill, not what I intended. I feel it would have been better if I remembered the original ideas and didn't take the break.

Unfortunately, I will be continuing the break and honestly might not return to writing until May, or at all

It's not mental health related, just stress

Good night, morning, evening, or afternoon

Bye for now

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